A call to blood. (fic)

Jul 20, 2011 17:50

Title: A call to blood.
Rating: PG13

My shoes click softly on the cement as I walk and I enjoy the rhythm of it, concentrating on it rather then the traffic that flies by or chatter of people in the distance. It's not a sound I hear often. When I run my feet don't touch the ground long enough to cause a sound or maybe I'm not in place long enough to hear it? Either way it's soothing and I need that right now.

I've been on edge lately, since the move from my apartment actually. The fight with Gabriel didn't help in the slightest. I know the cause even if I don't know why I'm feeling it. I'm the oldest there, Head of our Line and not a single one of them look to me for anything. It's all Jax. Everything there belongs to him in one way or another, even me. His home, his furniture, his lovers, his ... unborn baby. It's that last part that really stings, what makes me cry when no one's looking.

The one secret longing I've always had and he gets it first. Being around Topher helps, he reminds me of what I'll have in the future. My amazing son. But it's not enough to banish the tiny spark of envy when Pete rests his hand on his belly unconsciously or Jax reaches over and places his hand on the curve, that loving protective look in his eyes. I know they all love me I just don't know if they truly need me.

I'm distracted from my moping by the slight tingling itch that runs from the nape of my neck down between my shoulder blades. Someone's following me and not just any someone. They carry the same blood I do. I grit my teeth in annoyance. One of the boys must be following me. God damn them! I can take care of myself!

I turn abruptly, heading with a tiny burst of speed for the park. Then I wait. If they are so determined to follow me they'll come here and I can yell at them. Only they don't show up. At least not visually. The hair on my neck stands up and I can feel it again, the call to blood. A shiver of fear slips down my spine. It's not my boys. Shit. I've stupidly put myself in a vulnerable position with no one else around me. I take in a deep breath to get hold of myself. I'll be okay, I'm fast and I can heal damn near anything.

"You may as well come out. I know you're here. I can feel you."

The oh so familiar figure of Peter Petrelli shimmers into focus about 20ft away and I realize it's the one Pete told me about. The one that had worried him so much he wanted me moved right away. That scar is a little startling but that's not what's bugging me about him. I frown a little and we both start toward one another at the same time. As we get closer it slowly dawns on me that this is no new vampire. He's older then me and not only by a year or two.

Closer and closer I go, his scent reaching me and I can finally see the look in his eyes. It's a mingle of recognition, sadness and longing. I let out a loud gasp. No, there's no way. It can't possibly be ... "Zio?"

He smiles slightly, his eyes still haunted. "Yes, little rose."

I don't understand how this is happening. He can't be here like this. He's in a completely different dimension. I'm in his arms before I realize I'm moving. His scent surrounds me then and the slow familiar beat of his heart.  I know that rhythm, know it like I know my own. These were the arms that held me when I was small, that cradled me close during a bedtime story.

I let out a soft sob and he rubs my back like he always did when I cried. Oh God, it is him. My uncle, my eventual lover, my best friend. I lean back so I can see his face, frowning at the sight of the scar. I trace a finger over it and he closes his eyes tightly, swallowing hard.


He shakes his head quickly, his fingers reaching up to stroke through my hair. "Purple, huh?"

I shrug. "I got bored. It'll fade out eventually."

"It looks good on you, Daph."

I bite my lip at the compliment then shake away the warm feeling. "No, don't do that. Don't pull the old distraction routine. What on Earth are you doing here? How did it happen? A vortex? That's what got me, you know. A vortex in the park. Right in the middle of our game. I can't believe one got you, too. After all this time."

He smiles at me, putting his fingers over my mouth. "Ssh, let me get a word in, will you?"

I go silent, pushing my lip out against his fingers in a pout. He smiles wider, stroking his thumb over my mouth from one side to the other.

"It's been a really long time for us, little rose. Eleven years. Eventually we figured out what happened to you and I found a man who had the ability to create vortexes. I used my location ability to find you while inside the vortex. And here we are."

"You just got here?" I frown at him again, stepping back so I can look at him better. "I know that's not true. Pete told me about you speaking to him. Why didn't you tell him who you really were? Or better yet why didn't you actually come see me when you got here?"

His eyes go blank and I know he's keeping something form me. "It's been so long, Daphne, I had to make sure it was you. Then the sight of who you're with now ... it threw me more then a little. A teenage version of me?"

I glare at him and cross my arms defensively. "What's your point? He's amazing and sweet and he loves me. Which is more then I can say for ... for most people from home."

"I love you."

"Not like this! It's different. It's ... he makes me feel ... good enough. Like I'm good enough for him. No one at home has ever made feel that way and you know it."

His gaze drops for a moment then he steps close and cups my chin. "Is he taking care of you properly? Because you look pale and underfed. When was the last time you fed from someone? A mortal, not another vampire."

"I ..." How does he do this? A few well placed questions and I feel like a child who's skipped her medicine. "I can't remember."

"You know if you don't have fresh at least once every twenty to thirty days the hunger is going to get to you. I can practically feel it in you, little one."

I yank away from him, speaking through gritted teeth, my fists clenched. "I'm fine."

"Sure. That's why you want to hit me right now."

"I do not."

"Don't lie to me! You know I can always tell. You cannot keep going on like this. You're not a fucking mortal! You're not even - "

I cover my ears with my hands, shaking my head. "I am! I'm fine! I'M FINE!"

I don't want to hear this. Not now, not the way I'm currently feeling. I don't need reminders of how I'm different, how I've been changed and broken. I run deeper into the park but he catches me, wrapping his arms tight around me to keep me still while I fight and snarl. It's partly the instinct of being caught and part denial. Mostly denial. I settle when the rage clears and he rocks me from side to side slowly.

"Ssh, shh, ssh. Baby girl, you need to eat. You need to feed the monster or it's going to consume you. I'm betting the boys don't know how to give you an outlet for the aggression, do they? When is the last time you played?"

"Since home. A-almost two years. There's no one here who ... does that. With me."

"Daphne ... "

The disapproval in his tone makes me feel all guilty and defensive again. "I've done just fine! I've kept under control except for this one little instance but I had a blood clot in my brain so it wasn't my fault." Then there were a couple times when I was high though I was nearly raped or mugged so it didn't count.

"Ssh." He turned me so he could look into my eyes. "I'm proud of you, little one, so very proud."

"You've never said that to me before."

He smiled, stroking a finger over the tear that slipped down my cheek and wiping it away. "I have. You never listened."

I lean heavily against him and he hugs me close. "I've missed you. I've ... missed home. So much."

The words come out in a hushed whisper, a confession I never give voice to. Not even in my own mind. The pain I felt coming to this place, the ache of being cut off completely from my Sire was something I couldn't acknowledge very often or it could consume me. Or it had been. Until Pete and then Jax. My childe was like an anchor to this world as was my son and Pete ... God, Pete was a balm on my very soul. I'm so stupid. What the hell was I even doing out here like this?

"Come with me."

I tip my head up again and frown. "What?"

His lips curve and there are things hidden in his expression that I'm not sure I like. He tugs on a lock of my hair, crooking an eyebrow. "Come play with me tonight. If you miss it so much then let me fix that for you. Hunt with me."

I blink at him a few times to process that, moving away from him again. "I'm not sure that's a good -"

"You need to feed, Daphne. Period. You don't seem to want to feed on your mortal and I'm not going to comment on why because that's your choice but you have to get it from somewhere. It is necessary."

I'm silent as I consider all the pros and cons of what he's suggested. The problems I've been having, the irrational anger, it could link back to undernourishment as much as everything else. I did need to have fresh blood. It had been too long since I fed on Pete. I just didn't want to risk endangering the baby by drinking from him. It was more important, new life was always more important. Feeding on the pregnant was against the rules. If I hunted with him tonight, if I fed well maybe I wouldn't do something horrible later.

I let out a long sigh, saying a quick prayer that this wouldn't blow up in my face. "I'll go with you but I'm not staying the night. They'll expect me back. And we're going to talk more, you and me. About that scar, about everything."

"If that's what you want. I know just the place. I discovered it soon after I arrived. You're going to love it."

Peter held out his hand and I placed mine in it. He smiled a dark, eager smile at me as he led me from the park. It was a look I'd never seen on his face before. It sent a shiver down my spine though I was hoping it was just the scar that made it seem somehow sinister. At the same time I could feel something stirring from that place inside that I usually ignored. A hunger I've denied too long. I need this. I need to get control of the darkness that I can feel boiling below the surface and if there was anyone that could help me with this it was my uncle. The others will understand. I hope.

pg13, fic, daphne_p, bloodkin!verse

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