From Twitter 10-10-2010

Oct 11, 2010 03:09

  • 01:49:34: ((Stupid internet!))
  • 09:06:37: I fucking love chocolate mousse! That is all.
  • 09:24:28: Okay so who wants to entertain me while my lovers are having sex with each other?
  • 10:29:42: ((FYI I has not slept yet so if I'm lame or random you know why! lol))
  • 12:49:22: ((Why in the mother fuck am I not asleep!!! I keep saying I'm gonna and then I just. Don't. Go. UGH!))
  • 20:35:16: ((Is here .. sorta))
  • 20:56:37: ((Neeed coffeee brb))
  • 21:08:44: ((Foood *noms*))
  • 21:42:30: Is very quiet right now. Is kinda creepy.
  • 22:23:42: ((I do not like hearing someone talk about me from another room. Is annoying!))
  • 23:17:51: ((Ack brb!))

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