Wow, never thought it could really happen to me, ever and so soon :). I'm happy, more than happy - is there any increase for 'ecstatic'??! Because, I'm that! If I could relive a day over again, I would chose yesterday. Even if it started very exhausting and had lessons from 8 to 17:15 and this was just so exhausting and soporific!! But we all knew what would come in the evening/night:
ESP - Erst Semester Party *yay*. Actually I wasn't really happy about it and just thought of dropping by. But...*hehe* Thomas said he wanted to come, too, so... *bg*. Oh, *he* Thomas is the one I mentioned lately as "there is one" *g*. And I wasn't sure about my feelings for him, if or if not. But, when you - I - think about the rushes I get just when I see him, and I sit beside him in almost every lesson :D. So, it wasn't really hard to find out that I definately have feelings for him. The one and only question that always lasts until the moment: what about his feelings for me?
So, he said he'll be there at 21:30. So I waited, I really waited for him to show up, and everytime I saw someone who looked like him, I got a very heavy rush of emotions ... but first half an houre than one hour went by without a sight of him. But I never really gave up hope, about 22:45 or so, I saw him :). You can't imagine the sudden rush I got. Wow, so amazing. And he just joked a little about my "hey, thought you wanted to be here at 21:30 ...!" and "thought you wouldn't come!" and said "so you waited for me?!" and smiled. *sight* damn, I'm so damn shy and restraining and tense ... just said a stupid "of course I did!".
Well, the evening went to night and we had fun, lots of fun. Some of my roommates went with me there, too, so we were a pretty big group of people. But everyone seemed to have one or two talking partners. Then some of them left around ... er- ...can't really remember, but it wasn't midnight, then.
He suggested to go upstairs (the party was in our canteen/Bibo and over two floors) because there were the music *g*. I actually don't like dancing much - but under the circumstances that it was HIM and that they played just the right music (oldies) I went with him. First he desperately tried to get me on the dancefloor, without success. I said I would dance if they'd play Queen or the Stones. So, *hihi* as chance would have it, they played the right songs. He reached for me with his hand and I accepted ... didn't wanted to let go of his hand ... Then we were "somehow" dancing in the middle of a bunch of (drunken) people. Was quite funny, though^^. Then we got ourselves some drinks and had to move off the dancefloor - he regreted it, because he had to try to get me dancing again :). Wasn't hard the next time, really! A live band began to play just the right right right songs like "Ironic" by Alanis Morisette (which we obviously both liked very much) and some other good ones to sing along with ... the one that pushed the button was "venus" *hihi* ... we had so much "fun" of dancing together and singing along together (I can still hear/feel his "desire" whispered/sang close to my ear *shivers* :) ) , it was just a question of time - or the right song. The next that followed was "stand by me" and this...well, you can imagine, just the perfect song! I don't know how it really happened or why I suddenly did it, but I wrapped my arms around him, and he wrapped his around me and so we had the typical slow-dancing-to-a-love-song-position. And I felt so good, so damn good. I can't imagine ever felt so comfortable in someones arms, really.
And, hell, did I "waited" long to make this moves^^. Always like the part where nothing really happens only...well, only the "teasing" - more or less. But it seemed to be that moment when I myself couldn't bare it anymore and had to do something. Because, hey, you know this damn feeling that makes you want to do something to let go and just enjoy things - or makes you restless.
So was the kiss ... We took our time to let it happen...hell, I have no idea how long we just danced in our embrace until we kissed.
It was the first time - maybe ever - that I forgot everything around us. We danced and kissed and I didn't care about the people around us, all that mattered was him - us. It was amazing. And I can't remember how long we stayed there and danced and kissed ... really, I can recall some of the songs I heard during that ... but nothing specifically .. just...songs and music and voices.
I still had this damn Cuba Libre and was getting sick of it - along with the air inside (if there still was any!). So he suggessted to get outside to get some fresh air .. hell I needed it!
So we went downstairs and I gave my empty glass to the barkeeper and at this moment when he stood right behind me, he wrapped one around my waste ... whoa!! that was something. Unfortunately it didn't last long because I had to make place for some others, so we just went outside hand-in-hand. that I met an old friend of mine is here negligibly and not further important (even though she saw us later^^). We sat down, becaue my back hurt terribly *weh*. Of Course it didn't take us long until we began to kiss again. Although it wasn't really a comfortable position - side by side. So after .. er- a "few" minutes he suggested (is it just me or is he always having good ideas^^) to get a "little" walk through the near park. of course I said yes.
More or less unfortunately the park was so dark, we stayed on the near road. Then there was something about "the most important" what I really can't remember *lol* and I stopped and looked at him and said "well, the second important" and kissed him. He just laughed and joked "yeah, right after 'cellphone'" XD. Yes, we definately had a good time :). Ended up against the fence, kissing and hands sliding under the shirt etc.:D. Then against a near car^^ which was unfortunately a little cold for me. But THIS was definately the best porition we ever had *g*. But then we both really got cold so we went further to "me". He brought me to the frontdoor and there it should be the "goodbye" til the "next" morning. well, it was a good-bye, but ...*hehe* a very long goodbye *bg*. We just couldn't let go off each other, and it was so great. Really! I didn'T wanted to let him go, but on the other side I didn't wanted to go further. .. was!
For the record: we stayed OUTSIDE about an houre or so *g*. Then we eventually let go off each other and said goodbye (although we said "goodbye" a lot of times).
When I went upstairs and into my room I was still so high. And the "worst" thing was, that I couldn't fall asleep for a while: heartpounding, rushes of emotions - still, thinking about him/us/what happened...terribly great!!
So in the morning I was a little...dizzy^^ and had to shower with COLD water *brrr* ... but was awake after that *g*.
The next funny thing was the first kiss infront of someone of our class. Because ... *hihi* the night before he mentioned laughing "we're the first class-couple" and we both laughed - hadn't thought about it the whole evening!! So, I was very early this morning and waited for him outside the room. But he didn't come alone ... with him was a friend of mine, and when he came with his "hey" and we kissed and she saw it *lol* ... was so funny. We both turned to her and laughed about it^^ *hihi*.
And the second worst thing about the "love-thing" is, that, when you sit right beside him and can't do anything ... it's just so bad! really bad! sitting beside him, quiet, not moving towards him where you were so active with each other last night ... well, that's just terrible^^.
TBC ????