This was one of the greatest eastern I've ever had (and it will get much better and greater and *wow* next week!).
We've invited some friends of us to come to us over the weekend. OK, it was a little "difficult" for me because "the police officer" was one of well, wasn't so bad at all. As I said I'm over it and I can bare it when he's near me. And actually we had a lot of fun this weekend. They came on saturday afternoon and stayed until sunday morning. first we had our "teetime" then take a walk through our city with them.
But the evening and night was the more funny thing here: at our first visit I had a little too much of the champain and then Whisky....I actually like Whisky and can drink a lot more of the "hard drugs" like Whisky etc. but in combination with champain or wine I get far too fast drunk^^. But thi time I leave the champain and only drunk some beer and then Whisky...the same Whisky we drunk at our first visit! and we drunk it empty!! and then opened a (our) second bottle (irish) Whisky and drunk only some of it... and I wasn't drunk!!! *hehe* but still a little...erm- you know....^^
We stayed awake until erm. I think 3 o'clock! But I wasn't really tired when I hit the bed *aaaa*. But we had some really good time befor that! Made some awesome pictures of me and "the police officer" and his girlfriend and my dad^^....pretty funny! we weared some "old" military hats of my dad.....I have to say that I really like uniforms and if only wearing the hats is so *roar* *hihi* don't want to know how it would be seeing HIM in his uniform *ko*.....[*hih* uniform....reminds me John in uniform *roar* *lechz* *sabber* *ko*^^]
but the worst thing was the next morning!!! *ko* no....I-I can't tell, I wont.....
But the weekend was at least really great, really!
So I'm still looking forward to wednesday....I'm really exiteted about it, about to meet her, about to be with her this days......about....yeah, about everything that will happpen this days. But the most "worrying" thing is still the "way to her"....never traveled alone so "far" and by train....will be very exiting and interessting if I will make it^^. but I'm sure I'll make!
But the most wonderful thing is, that I'm maybe really in love......but, I'm still not sure.......we'll see ;)