Nov 13, 2007 16:30
Finally made MORROWIND to work again... after reinstalling it three times. Okay, it's maybe my fault cause I changed into a werwolf and had problems with this before. Didn't saved a game before that so.. my own fault... could have been easier to fix it. Anyway, it works, that's good and hopefully it will stay "fixed".
Spent a nice evening/night with Mirko :) After it took him whole three hourse to drive from home to Mittweida....bad weather! But I just couldn't say "no" when he asked me to stay. Although I need to stand up at 7 at the next morning... *sigh* ....
Just came back from sports....*argh* ....Toni did the warm up this time and it was hard'n'heavy! Just like for real wrestlers! Yeah, that sucks! Fortunately we played table-tennis and badminton afterwards... no hard stuff *g* But I was amazed how good everyone played.
Now I'm gonna make myself a nice cup of coffee or hot chocolate, cookies and do some physics and then play another round of MORROWIND *g*