8 Day Random Challenge

Oct 26, 2012 21:49

Narfed from shescountry and done in one shot, because the ADD doesn't let me do things like this over the course of days unless I can queue them.

1. 8 Facts about yourself

a. I LOOOOOOOVE coffee. I'm drinking some right now. And I especially love the holiday-themed creamers that come out this time of year. This cup is flavored with Warm Cinnamon Sugar Cookie.
b. Chocolate chip is my favorite type of cookie, followed by oatmeal (raisins, stay the fuck out of my cookies!), snickerdoodle, and Russian tea cakes. (Which, I've just found out, are also called Mexican wedding cakes. *blink* Whatever. They're almond-y and rolled in powdered sugar and delicious.)
c. I have never met a head of garlic I didn't want to take to bed and make sweet, sweet love to.
d. I claim no affiliation with any political party; however, I am a registered Democrat in the state of Indiana. This is because I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and because the woman registering me had no idea what "independent" means.
e. I'm an RA, which means that I am, by turns, a warden, therapist, conflict resolution specialist, peer mediator, chef, and an event planner. (I love it, though; plus I don't pay room and board!)
f. I have this... thing... about getting my hair cut. I spent all of my childhood until age 12 having hair so short people would come up and ask me "are you a boy or a girl?" So now, even though I've been allowed to wear my hair as long as I want for over a decade, I still can't bring myself to let someone else cut it, even just to take off the split ends.
g. I've just started watching The Young Ones. Vyvyan is so much like my best friend, Sean, that it's a bit scary.
h. I love Halloween, but most horror films bore me to tears. The only two that haven't, so far, are The Exorcist and Freaks.

2. 7 Likes and dislikes

a. Coffee
b. Chocolate
c. Fresh fruit and veg (with a few, notable exceptions)
d. Disney movies
e. Harry Potter
f. British humor
g. Sex (verily!)

a. American Pie
b. Onions, green bell peppers, and cilantro
c. People who are stupid, boring, willfully ignorant, arrogant, or a combination of all four
d. Math (Fucking math! Bringing my GPA down below 3.0! I was gonna be in Phi Theta Kappa this year!)
e. Having chapped lips
f. Perfume
g. People who walk really slowly (Times Square is the worst about this.)

3. 6 Things you see in your room

a. Coffee maker
b. Jar of raw honey
c. Digital camera
d. A jar of Old Bay seasoning
e. My TV
f. A can of Dagoba Xocolatl mix.

4. 5 Places you want to visit

a. Disneyland in California (specifically, I want to see The Haunted Mansion meets The Nightmare Before Christmas.)
b. The Grand Canyon
c. Various places in Russia, including St. Petersburg, Moscow, the Kremlin, and parts of Siberia.
d. The Taj Mahal
e. Australia (all of it, but I will make a day out of going to Australia Zoo and paying my respects to Steve Irwin)

5. 4 of your favorite shows

a. The Twilight Zone
b. Penn and Teller: Bullshit!
c. Animaniacs
d. Batman: The Animated Series

6. 3 of your favorite songs

a. "Thirteen" by Big Star (I also love the Garbage cover)
b. "Automatic Systematic Habit" by Garbage
c. "When Doves Cry" by Prince (YouTube... WHY ARE THERE NO VIDEOS WITH THIS SONG?!)

7. 2 Ways to win your heart

a. Make me laugh
b. Challenge me intellectually

8. 1 Thing you want to change about the world

Get rid of all the stupid people. I'm pretty sure once you do that, everything else will suddenly become easier to sort out.

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