三十五 // shout (5)

Aug 20, 2010 02:40

[The writing is clumsy and there are a few scratchmarks in the paper. Someone is not used to writing with claws, however neatly trimmed they may be.]

This is getting fucking ridiculous. What the hell am I supposed to be now?

[A small singe mark on the page.]

And fucking fire just came out of my hands. I'm not leaving the house my room until ( Read more... )

the rabbit prince, what is this i don't even, event!, i need a freakin' drink

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Set for mid-day on the 23rd //mild ping for fire and "pointy-eared fruit" inthecenterfold August 24 2010, 02:20:13 UTC
How dead-set are you on not leaving your room?


pretecorrotto August 24 2010, 02:33:42 UTC
Not as long as I'd hoped. Running low on food.

[what little food he eats, anyway.]


inthecenterfold August 24 2010, 02:35:28 UTC
I never thought I'd be asking you to get something to eat, but if we're both stuck in weird bodies... I mean I just wonder if either of us knows the other?


pretecorrotto August 24 2010, 02:40:08 UTC
Whatever. Fine. Just need to eat. Whoever this is uses more energy than I do.

Where am I supposed to meet you?


holy_androgyny August 24 2010, 02:56:07 UTC
More... energy?

Well I've spent a hell of a lot of time in the Bazaar, and near as I can tell there's still not really a... one-stop-shop sort of place.

But if we walk down the street for a bit, grab stuff that each of us likes, and make our way to the Tea Shop we could eat there and have tea too.

... You are more a tea guy than a beer guy, right?


pretecorrotto August 24 2010, 03:11:50 UTC
I'm hungry as hell and I'm not even doing anything.

That's fine. I'll see you there. What do you look like now?



Totally not mentioning the boobs holy_androgyny August 24 2010, 03:32:53 UTC
Funny, I haven't been hungry... in awhile. Huh.

Beer? Seriously? I had you pegged for tea.

I look like uh... well I'll have my long brown coat on. And I have long black hair in a ponytail now.


pretecorrotto August 24 2010, 03:41:43 UTC
Tea's okay. Coffee's better.

Fine. My hair's long and my skin's darker. But you'll probably see the ears first.

[ooc: Actually being civil to each other? Moon's brain is breaking a little.]


holy_androgyny August 24 2010, 04:01:31 UTC
I'll refrain from calling out to Big Ears and stick with Moon.

See you at the elevator then.

[Ditto here - mutual respect for frustrating out of body experiences?]


QL pretecorrotto August 24 2010, 04:04:41 UTC

[Moon shuts the journal and sighs. He really wants nothing to do with Smoke at all, but it looks as though he has no choice. He feels incredibly awkward leaving the house, with claws and ears and face markings.

He arrives at the Elevator and pushes the button, hoping that Smoke will say whatever he needs to and let Moon go back to being a hermit again.]


Re: QL holy_androgyny August 24 2010, 04:19:09 UTC
[Smoke arrives after Moon and walks out of the Elevator. He has on his dark brown leather coat
... )


QL pretecorrotto August 24 2010, 04:48:26 UTC
[Moon was waiting for Smoke when he heard an eerily familiar voice speak up behind him. He was pretty sure he'd never heard it in the time he'd been in Edensphere, but he knew it very clearly at this moment.

Slowly, he turned around, taking the sight of.. whoever Smoke was supposed to be.] "Yes," [he said, in a voice that wasn't even close to his own.] "You didn't tell me you'd be a... woman."


Re: QL holy_androgyny August 24 2010, 05:09:09 UTC
"Well... that's because I'm not. Entirely." [He closes the jacket tighter around himself.] "What's freaking me out is I've seen this guy - the guy you look like, and sound like I'm guessing - in a memory of mine."

[He takes a good look at the face up close now] "Damn, wish I knew his name. The scars, the hair, even the ears - it's gotta be the same guy."

[He takes a step back then, inclining his head to one side] "So how 'bout me - I look familiar at all? I heard the voice in my rebirth dream, but that's about all I've got."

Not including the fact that she- he... whatever, kissed me.


QL pretecorrotto August 24 2010, 05:26:09 UTC
[Moon looked down at the ground, not really knowing what do to with himself. The person in front of him looked very familiar, but his mind was fuzzy when he thought about it.]

I have no idea who I'm supposed to be. Or you for that matter, but the voice is familiar. Annoyingly so.

[pause] What scars?


Re: QL holy_androgyny August 24 2010, 05:34:01 UTC
"Annoying?" [Smoke is genuinely curious about that word for this person - he was more confused on why she'd kiss him than anything.] "Huh - I'd think attractive if I wasn't wearing the skin."

[He brushes his left cheek - the opposite side of his own scars] "Right there. Those three big lines on the cheek." [He takes a longer look at the ears] "Just like aniki..." [He looked up again to meet Moon's gaze] "You don't by chance... know what kind of being you are, do you? I mean... freaking fire out of your hands? And I've seen this guy toss a monster fireball. And beat the shit out of Goku, too -- the Meatbun kid, remember? That's not human. And I know he ain't hanyou - the colors are wrong."


Re: QL pretecorrotto August 24 2010, 06:00:34 UTC
[Somehow, thinking the word 'attractive' in relation to this person makes Moon want to recoil. There's something inherently wrong with thinking that about this woman. But there's another topic he can shift too quite easily.]

They're not scars, dumbass. They're markings. Youkai always have them.

[Now where had that come from? Moon was pretty sure he hadn't known that a second ago, but it seemed like something so obvious now.]


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