Leafe Knights!

May 29, 2006 10:35

Name- Anne
Age- 15
What gender would you like to be voted?- It doesn't matter.
Strong points- I'm hardworking and fairly intelligent. I also stand up for what I believe in, and I'm typically friendly.
Weak points- I'm impatient and can be selfish at times. I occasionaly loose my temper, remaining in a bad mood for some time. I tend to be rather bossy as well.
Interests- Anime, manga, video games, Christianity, foregin languages
Dislikes- Yaoi, yuri, hentai, anything of that sort, lazy people, and bashing (with some exceptions)
talents- Writing, drawing, and learning foreign languages
hobbies- Writing, drawing, playing video games, and spending time with friends
pet peeves- Poor grammar, laziness, and messy rooms.

Favorite color- Red.
Favorite Pretear character- Hayate or Himeno. I admire Himeno for her willingness to stand up for what she feels is right, and I love the way Hayate would do anything for Himeno, even if he won't admit he loves her.
Favorite food- It's difficult to decide, but I suppose I'll say shrimp, specifically fried or popcorn shrimp.
Favorite sport- Swimming, although I don't actually compete and I'm not very good at it.
Favorite type music- J-pop.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?- Optimistic.
Outgoing or Shy?- It depends on the situation. I'm shy around people I don't know, but I'm fairly outgoing around those I'm closely acquainted with or when confronted with an issue I feel strongly about.
Jealous or vengeful?- A bit of both. I tend to be more vengeful when it comes to arguments with my brothers, but I'm more likely to not take any action against my classmates or friends.
Dominant or submissive? Definately dominant. I tend to take the lead in school projects, although that doesn't mean that I don't listen to others. I also tend to nag my family members, so I suppose I'm a rather bossy person.
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