I'm just so gosh darn happy we received 12 icons last week that I'm not even worried about the ties. XD
ria_chan Second: (tie)
amara_verite and
rashiea Third:
itsplashes Best Use of Color: (tie)
ria_chan and
itsplashes Mod's Choice
ladybrighid3333 Congrats to the winners!
The banner maker for this week would normally be
mistresssarcasm, but she hasn't made any for several weeks back. Therefore, this is TBD (volunteers accepted).
And since I'm on the subject of banners (again)...the following weeks are still in need:
Week 36 -
amara_veriteWeek 39 -
ria_chanWeek 40 -
amara_veriteWeek 42 -
mystic_fogWeek 43 -
rashiea If you're not interested in joining the banner rotation, but you'd be willing to volunteer for one week of banners, please let me know! They've gone without long enough. :(
Aaaand..since I received no objections to the voting rules I mentioned in a previous post, consider them effective as of today...I just have to update the community rules.
Aaaaaaaaaaand...if you haven't submitted anything for week 47's challenge, why not? :P I've got 3 iconses, so go forth and make icons...then submit them to me