1st Firefly - [Action/Accidental Video]

May 07, 2011 13:48

[In the lake closest to the village, a boy can be seen laying half in the water and half on the grass, passed out.  Though it takes him a while, he finally opens his blue-purple eyes and looks around sleepily.]  Where....am I...?

[After a moment, Seto realizes he's in the water and hoists himself up all the way out of the water and sits on the grass ( Read more... )

+giles, +ange, +san, +terra, luceti, +emil, [video], [action], +rydia

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[voice] erodingearth May 7 2011, 18:55:00 UTC
[There's a tap on the journal as Terra makes sure he didn't accidentally turn off the voice function. Some of the New Feathers were adjusting well enough, but this kid already sounds like a nervous wreck.]

Don't worry. You're not alone.


[voice] presumablyalone May 7 2011, 19:03:28 UTC
[The tap and voice is enough to make Seto jump and look around quickly for the source of the voice but there's no one to be seen. Another ghost maybe..? At least this ghost person said he isn't alone, so that must mean survivors are near by!]

Thank goodness...um w-where are you?


[voice] erodingearth May 7 2011, 19:08:18 UTC
[...Oh. That's right, he probably hadn't seen the journal yet. Like him.]

There should be a book near you. We're talking through that.


[voice] presumablyalone May 7 2011, 19:12:50 UTC
A book... [Give him a second. He spots it and picks it up, where did this thing come from. It certainly isn't something he's seen before]

...You're not a robot..are you?


[voice] erodingearth May 7 2011, 19:23:03 UTC
Robot? No, I'm human. [Just ... with a pair of wings that shouldn't be there.] I think the better is -- are you okay?


[voice] presumablyalone May 7 2011, 19:26:20 UTC
You're human... [He sighs in relief but then pauses for a moment]

...I guess I am...


[voice] wow, typos already. :| sorry! erodingearth May 7 2011, 20:12:11 UTC
[He nods, though it's probably unnecessary.] Good. Just calm yourself down and take a look around. Try to get your bearings.


[voice] haha it's okay xDD presumablyalone May 7 2011, 20:33:28 UTC
[He nods as well and takes a deep breath to calm down. He glances around at the trees] O-okay...could you tell me where I am..?


[voice] erodingearth May 7 2011, 20:41:28 UTC
Luceti. That's what everyone seems to call this world. [He thinks about features around there.] There's forests, a few lakes, the mountains and plains... An ocean too, but I haven't gone out there myself. And the village, of course.


[voice] presumablyalone May 7 2011, 20:55:31 UTC
This world...? [He bites his lip] How did I get...to another world?


[voice] erodingearth May 7 2011, 21:38:04 UTC
[...That's right. He forgets that different worlds aren't normal for some people.]

I'm pretty new myself, so I don't understand it. But it sounds accidental. Then these people called the Malnosso put us in this village. There's a guide explaining all of the basics. Geography, different stores in the village.

What's your name?


[voice] presumablyalone May 7 2011, 21:53:29 UTC
The Malnosso? Are they friendly...? [ ... ] Is the guide in the journal? I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions..

Oh! U-Um, I'm sorry, my name is Seto.


[voice] erodingearth May 8 2011, 19:02:42 UTC
[Let's see if he can find it... Ah, here it is.]

Flip to the next page and it should show up. It's a long read, but it should answer a lot of questions.

I'm Terra. Nice to meet you, Seto.


[voice] presumablyalone May 9 2011, 02:03:18 UTC
Okay, thank you. [He does so and starts to scan through the pages, but decides to read it through later]

It's nice to meet you too Terra.


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