organization is the wave of the future of postings.. oh yes
1. Hello! How are things going with you guys? I'm up in Colorado now wasting time sitting on my ass revamping my portfolio and resume to send out for jobs.. yes.. Kellye needs a job.
2. Still catching up with
dbsg I think I'm still in the month of July.. Love in the Ice is just beautiful and hopefully all those Japanese girls will think the same and BUY THEIR SINGLE.. But I think I heard something that they debuted with that single number 2 on the Oricon charts so that's cool. They have another single coming out in like a few weeks?! Damn boys.. I really don't have the money to buy this stuff
3. I finally finished watching all of TeniPuri.. I did that back in the beginning of the month, but getting around to finally post about it. It was sweet ending.. kinda unreal with the whole US Open thing.. I was kinda hoping that Ryoma would stay and the group could stay in Seigaku FOREVA.. Or whatever high school they decide to go to. I would love to see epilogue someday when they're in high school where its more believable the AMAZINGNESS of these boys.. with kids named Albus Severus.. (ooops.. wrong epilogue.. that still plagues me *shiver*) or maybe in college where they can experiment with their boylove because it is canon the gheiness of that group.. Inui/Kaidoh, Golden Pair and Silver Pair.. YES.. IT IS CANON
4. I was kinda eh with the ending of the tenipuri anime that I decided to catch up with the manga... that manga is just as addictive as the anime.. I've gotten to volume 14? Rokkaku.. 14 (I'm sorry, I lied.. I meant VOLUME 21!) 21 freakin volumes and I'm only at Rokkaku.. Dear god I can't wait to get to Rikkidai so I can drool all over Sanada and Yagyuu and swoon over Yagyuu/Niou.. Platnium Pair baby.. AWESOMENESS.. you know what I've noticed though.. Tezuka is sexy in the manga with his flowing hair.. he just looks constipated in the anime
ETA: yeahhhhhh.. I'm beginning to read volume 27 and this is just all kinds of awesome.. Sanada is making Echizen his bitch, and looking quite scary while doing so, but I have a feeling this isn't going to fare his way.. just wow
5. Naruto.. yeah.. I ended up downloading 350 chapters yesterday and read the first four volumes... I absolutely love Naruto.. He's the most adorable kid in the world and deserves the biggest hug. Kakashi sensei is yummy.. I bet he even sounds hot in the anime.. I've read quite a bit of doujinshi with kakashi/ikura and yes.. that would be sexy..
6. I would be reading more of Naruto and Tenipuri, but at the moment I'm waiting for the dumb UPS man to show up with my football tickets.. I'm going to the Virginia Tech/ECU game!!! Okay.. so yeah, ECU Pirates isn't going to be the most exciting game, but its the first game of HOKIE FOOTBALL and ESPN gameday will be there and I get to go back to my campus.. God I missed Blacksburg and after everything that happened back in April, I need to be there for such a special day. You must understand football is life in that little town.
7. I haven't even looked at my Yoochun/John Legend fic for the past few weeks *fail* I swear I promise to get that bloody fic out! And then my gifts for Amabile and Jamila *stares at gifts sitting beside me* I swear I'll have them sent out.. I just want to do something real quick and I need to bug my stepfather to help me, but he's been playing with his new laptop.
8. I have black nail polish on, and I kinda like it... EMO WHAT!
9. I'm listening to Se7olution and DAMNIT SE7EN.. RELEASE IN THE US ALREADY!!!
10. OH! I finally got to see the fifth Harry Potter movie last week.. YES I KNOW I SUCK FOR TAKING SO LONG TO SEE IT.. but it was awesome. Daniel Radcliffe was excellent and the angst was awesome.. he did so well, and then the actress who played Umbridge.. ALL KINDS OF AWESOME.. God, I hated her character in the books and her performance was SPOT ON! I was bouncing with the Ministry of Magic.. It was absolutely beautiful and perfect and nothing I really imagined but just so much better
11. I hope everybody is doing well! I miss you all!!