Aug 27, 2005 23:46
AHHHHHHHH NO SCHOOL MONDAY!!!! Lets do something really fun sunday night!!! I'm so sleepy, but awake at the same time. Crazy. I love stevie, molli and alex. They are fun girls.
Volleyball we are 2-0!! You should come check us out.
SO this weekend I went to the football game for most of it..and then went out to 4th quarter at St. christopers church for a hang out thing till 11. IT was pretty cool. Always fun with Kaile and Deann and Laurie biggs. Then today I went to the beach with Lauren. I got some good sun. I love the beach. SO many kids were there surfing. Wish I could learn. lol That is lauren's goal before college. Surf. lol should be fun. Then I came home and played some amazing basketball with lots of randome kids up at the park by Kaile and DeAnn's house. Fun as usual. Got really mad at my dad again...but hey lets keep this posative. Then after basketball Molli invited me to go eat dinner at her house with Alex T. and Stevie(REX) LOL It was fun. I got to talk to brennan this weekend!! I love that kid. He is a great cuzin. Him and nick are amazing. I hope they had a great weekend.
*I can't live with you...yet I can't seem to live without you.*
I'm so excited about my new room!!! When I get it finished I'm soo gunna have some sort of movie night at my house!! lol it'll be fun. SO excited!!
I think alisha is going to try and come home next weekend. YAY. I miss her. I hope her knee is ok for next season. Maybe something really amazing will happen.