May 29, 2006 11:50
ok so i know i have been rather distant as of late but i have been rather busy with my relationship on the clock.
if you were told that in two months time you would have to leave the one you love behind and only see them once or twice a year, how much time would you have to go online. what is worst though is looking into her eyes seeing the pain and knowing that it is entirely my fault, i did this to her. and then just to twist the knife she promised to wait for me, yes as in alone for the next 5 years. i get the feeling that she expects the same from me, but i can't do that, i went back to being monogamous for her, but i cant go that far for her, but how am i supposed to tell her that. Love sucks
but enough of that. time for a real update...
i am back in new york now i wil be spending the summer in Westhampton ( that's 60 mi east of easthampton, fucked up anit)
this is a lovely beach town that is just like st. andrews but without the uni and any decient pubs or clubs, and it's farther away from any big cities. fuck i mich as well just lock myself in a box for the next two months.
but for now i'm back in NYC
right now i'm sitting in starbucks looking out the window at the other starbucks across the street. i just thought i'd point out how silly this city can be
yay i finally get to see X3 today!!!!!!
messy love