Title: The Writings on The Wall [3/?]
Type: Series
presstoreset Rating: PG-13
Genre: Supernatural, Horror, Friendship
Characters: Super Junior
Summary: Strange things start to happen after a visit to a theatre.
Warning: Vivid descriptions (horror) in the later chapters. Don't say I didn't warn you! I even put it in red.
Disclaimer: Much as I want them
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FML I'm gonna be busy these few days D:
I'll read this asap, & Im excited to do so.
Oh haha, I'll reply your comment @ my journal here.
DAMMIT. I'm taking my O LVLS next year ijuasiodjailsjdakl.
Shall we chat on msn some time soon? D:
Okay wthhh the end, shocker. I really wanna know what's gg on D=
Next year? :o Jiayou okay!:D Get into your dream school. Hahaha. Yep yep sure~ I can give you some tips too ^^
Next part comin' up~!^-^
You too? Hwaiting~!:D The O levels are over a span of 3 weeks but they passed really fast so it's pretty painless ^^ Except maybe all the prep work the school does 유__유 But nah it's really okay!:D
Thanks! But somehow I don't feel as anxious as I think I should be for them! :P
Hmm come to think of it...I think I played a lot during the O's T__T Coming home, studying, using the computer, watching TV, studying....like any other day. Ah great now I'm a little worried about my results :( Not that I can do anything about my scripts since they're like..halfway across the world! ><
That's what I did for my EOYs too! Except mine was glueing myself to the computer... it was 2 weeks before EOYs that I started idolising Super Junior (what a good time huh!) HAHA! S'okay, I'm sure you'll do great! ^_^
Study hard and then PLAYYYYYYY! But then after a while you'll realised there's really a lot of time left on your hands. And after a while you realise that the results are coming soon. o___o Ah but now, I'll just focus on playing instead xD
Woah. I remember being glued to SJ just after my common tests but I ended up spending my time study before my Midyears on SJ -.-
I hope so!! xD Hehe I'm reaaallllyyyy hoping to get into the course of my choice in poly. My friends are all heading towards JC though but I know what I want already so..hahah poly it is ^^ Have you thought of which school you want to be in so far?
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