my morning tea

Jun 01, 2009 07:39

Soooo tired. I want to crawl back into bed. Another week of classes means another week of getting up early means not enough sleep.

My mom and I picked 6 quarts of strawberries on Saturday, over at Sugartown Strawberries. We also got some fresh cut asparagus and had them in omelets (I put onion in mine too along with cheeeeese).

Mike and I finished working on Jen and Jesus' save the date card. I swear, everyone is getting engaged or getting married this Spring/Summer. It's nuts! Congratulations to all of them though :D

I've finally started my photo blog over at: Marquesa Photography
Having a myspace for my photos wasn't really practical, because they were harder to access and not right up front, and now I can write about my photos and so forth. I'd appreciate it if you could take a look and maybe even share it with others. I am about to make my second post there. And if you have a blog elsewhere, let me know!

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