Attn Floridians:
Your vote could have been outfight forged. I don't like to think of conspiracies, so I'll just label this being paid off. This is a sad year for democracy and America. Democracy both gets ignored and proves that it isn't the penultimate form of government, and America proves we've lost our touch.
I honestly wouldn't mind giving the south their own country again. Maybe we can have an election to see which states go to which country. Either way, the country that New England belongs to remains named The United States of America. The rest has boiled away into some perverse code of conduct in which morals and religion menage a toi with the government and leave the rest of us "indecent" and "hopeless" Americans wondering why they didn't use the condom.
Democracy works to extend people's rights, not to control, categorize, and filter their rights. This administration, if it lives for the entire 4 years in office, will only further bring the demise of this country. Our children will hate, they'll be dumbfucks, and they'll be sent out protect you and me against the invading world who just wants us to shut the fuck up. Maybe that's the big ass plan. Maybe the crazy right-wing nuts (not saying all of them are crazy) just want to get the country into so much of a religious and ignorant vigor that when we eminently get attacked, it'll just be seen as the infidels trying to go against the word of our God.
This sounds familiar.
I could just be over analyzing. I could just be naive.
This is also why I consider myself amoral. If morals are what leads us to this... I'd rather been seen as an animal.