(no subject)

Oct 19, 2004 00:16

i cant find another code. i give up. heres to writing in pressedbetween again!

so today:

he opened a wound i though was closed.

but i told him. yeah, i let him know.

: hey
loaded on gin: hi.
: how are you?
loaded on gin: fine.
loaded on gin: yourself?
: crappy
loaded on gin: sorry to hear that.
loaded on gin: whats wrong?
: life
loaded on gin: explain.
: no life, i work and go to school full time, no love
loaded on gin: yeah, but you knew it was going to be like that.
loaded on gin: things will get easier.
loaded on gin: you know, i dont even know why im talking to you. considering the fact you've ignored me this long.
: i've been working 40 hr weeks for the last two months
: i go to school and work and sleep
: that's all i do
: i've ignored life
loaded on gin: so was it that hard to say you dont have time?
: yea
: i'm a difficult person i guess
: sorry:-(
loaded on gin: well im sorry you couldnt take 2 minutes out of your time to at least email me and tell me you dont even have time for a friendship.
loaded on gin: you really dont know how much i felt like shit after you decided to basically ignore me. im over it, but it still hurt.
: well you have my tooth bursh
: if you hate than hate me
loaded on gin: i dont hate you, i just want you to know it was fucked up.
: i'm sorry

i felt a little better after finally getting to tell him how fucked up he was.

im starting to be at peace with myself. being home these past few days constantly made me think about a lot of things. i may feel, and be really sick..but i emotionally and mentally feel good about myself. and i like it. i like it a lot.
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