just one little thing

Nov 12, 2006 01:21

small update tonight

Isn’t it scary thinking that if
Just one little thing had been
You could not even know him
Right now?

everytime i think about you,
i have to remind myself,
that if you wanted to talk to me,
you would.

pain is inevitable. suffering is optional .

it's a curious thought, but it's only when
you see people looking ridiculous that you
realize just how much you love them.

ive listened to this song 97 times...
in two days. why, you ask? you.
it reminds me of you.

&& i could conquer the world with one hand,
as long as you were holding the other.

theres always going to be that one person you
wish you could be with, even after knowing
that person doesnt wanna be with you

i want to be his friend
i really do. but its so
hard when all you ever
wanted was to be so much more.

I'll spend my whole day getting ready,
T r y i n g to make myself look beautiful
So that you'll fall in love with me...
But I won't be surprised if you don't even notice me.

i sometimes feel a little jealous inside
imagining someone who could please
you more than me. I guess its my
insecurity acting up a bit
because i know i'm not the most beautiful..
must fun.. or even the most exciting person
you'll ever meet. but i do know that no matter
how hard and how long you search, you will never
find a girl who loves you and cares about you...
t h e w a y i d o ;; <3

He goes out of his way to smile at you.
Trust me, I've watched him do it.

theres so many words i cant say when i look
into your eyes. maybe you'll reject me &
shatter all my pride. each day my love grows
stronger but i wont let you know. theres way
too much behind my smile that i can never
show. i'll hold you for a lifetime if you would
take my hand. i love you like no other but
you dont understand. so i'll dream of us
together of how good it could be & i will
keep my love a secret until you fall in love
with me.

eh, told you it was a small update.

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