Nov 17, 2006 13:58
So my grandpa died yesterday. My parents are stuck in Mexico til Saturday. and My relatives think my sister and I are incapable of finding our way down to the funeral alone, so they're "allowing" Wendall to basically chaperone us down. About damn time they accept that I'm living "in sin" with a boy; shame they accepted cause of the condition we are in.
I'm mainly upset because I know exactly why he died. He didn't take care of himself at all. I'm angry at him for it. He wouldn't see doctors. He wouldn't do anything healthy at all. The man let himself get to a point where he couldn't walk he was so heavy. How do you let yourself do that? I'm so mad at him for doing this to himself and to us, to my family. He should have been there at my wedding. He should have been there at anything. Why did they bitch and moan all the time that we never saw them? Why couldn't they have come to see us? O because my Grandpa couldn't fit into a car. I never went to a movie with him. I never went shopping unless he stayed in the car and my grandma would come inside. I enver did shit with him except yell about how I hate republicans and he hates democrats. That's my only fond memory of him is a debate.
I dunno. I'm just pissed.