(no subject)

Apr 11, 2012 17:28

I recently just finished the practical nursing exam and oh man, was it one of the most nerve-wracking events of my life!

To be honest, I don't think I did that great. I missed so many steps when I did those assessments and I had a nervous voice. I really need to stop procrastinating and get my act together. I think I passed though. I mean, it's fairly hard to fail but I still don't feel too great about it. But it's the biggest relief to finish it at last. Before I went in, I felt like I was in a dream state because it was really scary and I didn't it could've been real... but it was LOL. I'm so lame.... But honestly I did not like the experience of being judged. In a room with just a patient and two other people watching you, marking you, judging you. Ahhhhhh but at least I'm done...

Still need to study though. Half way done exams and then I can have summer all to myself~ I cannot wait.
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