The rapping vegetable guy

May 29, 2005 17:39

So I was heading out of my late lunch and on my way back to work I see this guy, about 40 years old, putting aside a box of cuecumbers and signaling me with his hand to come forward.

So I was thinking he was going to ask me for directions or something so I came closer and asked what is it.

RVG - Rapping vegetable guy
AYJ - Attractive young jew (Myself)

Everything I write here is a bit changed since I just tried to remember bits and put them together for this post. I also translated it. In hebrew it all ryhmed and went according to beat.

RVG: "How do you get your arms to be big like that?"
AYJ: (Caught a bit off guard) "working out..?"
RVG: "So you mean to say that...
"to get your arms big/
you-gotta-work-out you-gotta-work-out/
and put them in distress/
They have to work [hard] in all directions/
and push the dumbells in and out/
Now wait...
What do you eat?/
You don't take anything else/
that's nice to know....

(He just kept going for like a minute and a half)
(looking at my hand)

RVG: "What are you drinking? coffee?"
ME: "Diet Coke"
RVG: something something "it rises.../
And again he went on until I just said bye and left

I seem to attract these kind of people.
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