May 08, 2012 13:44
Wow, I can hardly believe the last time I posted was 2010. To be honest, I'm not sure what I'm doing here again. I was thinking about some of my Lj friends recently and wondering what had happened to them, particularly Amy, Ariadne, Barbara and Laura. I'm not even sure they are still my "friends." Maybe I've been removed due to my long absence. I wouldn't blame anyone for that. I'll check journals later and see. Maybe no one writes here any more. Doesn't everybody use Facebook now?
Perhaps I came here because today, people in our state are voting on a constitutional amendment that would define marriage between a man and woman as the only valid domestic partnership. I remember having an argument with a stranger in the comments section of a friend's journal about the best way to bring about social change, particularly acceptance of gays and lesbians. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I still believe that kindness and understanding, when it comes to differences, gets better results in the end. I also think it's the more difficult and courageous path to take. However, I understand now, in a way I didn't before, just how difficult it is to take that approach, especially when circumstances are unfair. It feels impossible not to be furious. "Being nice" feels like letting people "get away with it." I find myself knowing what to do, but I'm completely incapable of doing it.
I keep wondering what my two-years-ago self would have said to me now. Looking back, I realize that it's easy to make theoretical arguments, but standing behind them takes superhuman strength. I'm feeling weirdly depressed right now. I miss being who I was two years ago, but, at the same time, I don't want to go back. It's the same with LJ. I miss logging in and obsessively refreshing my friends page when I'm bored at work, but I don't really want it to be like it was.
Well, that said, I do miss reading about all of you. If anything significant has happened in the past year or two, I'd love to know, assuming anyone still reads this.