Brandt Legacy 4.5 - With Heir Poll!

Aug 04, 2008 01:00

Previously... Well, I just updated less than 24 hours ago. Go read my last post! =P

Contains an heir poll, pixel nudity, color commentary (59 pics)

The first thing Phoebe sets her mind on is giving everyone else in the dorm a nice makeover. The college townies usually need all the help they can get.

Aloe: Boy, that mac-n-cheese looks delicious. Please, help me keep this convo going until this naked creeper stops waving at me.

The dormies are actually not bad looking at all, I didn't have to kill move any of them out. ^_^

This is pretty much where Delaine spends the entirety of her college years. I have to force her to go to class. I guess she is a family sim though, you don't need to go to school to pop out kids. =P

Mason wastes no time breaking in the Académie Le Tour ACR, I don't remember what this girls name is but I don't even think they talked to each other before hoping into bed.

Aloe rolled want after want for a bird cage, so I finally caved. He named it Felix, I'm surprised the damn thing survived the 4 years of school.

Delaine, they're not puppies. Banging on the glass will not make them come to you.

Aloe is showing off his 10 outgoing points here. Delaine remains un-phased, this worries me.

This is Komei... I think I spelled it right. Delaine instantly took a liking to him even though he doesn't fit any of her turn-ons. Always a rebel.

You can see his mohawk peeking above the water. This dormie is not pleased by getting splashed with hot sex water.

Phoebe's favorite pastime other than studying is starting arguments with EVERYONE. If she knew how active this water really was she'd be frowning for another reason.

But when you look at that angelic face you almost forget the fact that she's an unrelenting bitch.

Her roommates haven't forgotten though, she usually eats all of her meals alone. =/

But ever the trooper, she lets it roll of her shoulders.

Aloe I love you! He's my first autonomous primper. He does this every time he gets back from class.

Mason is still around, he's just usually sleeping on the couch. I'm pretty sure Phoebe does his homework for him every day.

Jager! I don't know what it is, but I really think he's adorable. He's a terribly boring sim though. =/

Creepy Twin Love. Seriously, they sat in the kitchen for 2 sim hours admiring each other and doing the 'family kiss'.

Okay, does anyone else experience the "Waving Party" when their sims return from class. They stood around for 3 sim hours waving and congratulating each other. O_o It gets old. And for the love of god, there HAS to be a way to kill the met-professor pop-ups and A+ grade memories. HALP!

And now, a lesson in cheating. Brought to you by the pro, Phoebe.

Phoebe: Oh my god, is that a wolf spider?!

Delaine: I don't see anything Phoebes, are you su--
Phoebe: Keep looking *huff huff* I know I saw it.

Delaine: You're sure it was on ceiling?
Phoebe: Um... No.. uh... Check behind the mini-fridge!

Delaine: I think it's gone, I don't see anything.
Phoebe: Yeah. *scuttles back to line* Okay, back to the game. ^_^

Phoebe: Well, look at that. Two bullseyes in a row, imagine that!

Delaine: Yeah right, you usually suck at th... O_O

Delaine: WHAaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! How did you do that?

Delaine: prescilla_bean, how did she do that? You had to have seen something, right?

prescilla_bean: Don't look at me, I'm just the innocent bystander.

Phoebe: Heheheheheee

Moral of the story, don't turn your back on Phoebe.

Hmm, they must be watching the Cleveland Browns play... =P

I highly doubt the parrot cares about the school cheer, but knock yourself out kid.

Aloe is pretty smitten with... Mallory. Whatever makes you happy dear. =)

He wanted to propose to her so who am I to turn him down?

She accepts!

But apparently isn't too happy about it. Perhaps she's a romance sim?

Making Out: You're Doing It Wrong.

I love the faces sims make while on the exercise bike. It's the little things in life. =P

Like I said, I am very easily amused.

I had Mason invite Mary over, just in case. That way both him and Jager could get to know her better in case either of them are heir.

Stick to your day job, Aloe. Pool is not your sport.

You too Phoebe. About 20 minutes later some random sim came by and preformed the xylophone trick perfectly. I didn't realize where the noise was coming from until it was too late to take a picure.

Hand gesture + sign. This picture requires no comment, she is a minor.

I LOVE this picture. Aloe is looking at his fiance with so much love in his little eyes.

Aloe got to throw the graduation party because he is the oldest. It was pretty small, only his parents showed up.

We almost got all the way through college without any angst. But nooooo, Phoebe has to start shit with Delaine.

Yeaaah.. So scratch that double-heir idea. At least until they're done being furious with each other.

See this, this is the normal reaction one would have to seeing their sibling naked in a public setting.

Graduation time!

And off the kids go back to Desiderata Valley to decide who will carry on the Brandt name, complete with hideous outfits.

Now it's time to help me pick the generation 4 heir!

Aloe Brandt
Family - Become Education Minister
HOBBY - Music & Dance
9 Neat
10 Outgoing
4 Lazy
2 Serious
10 Nice
Turn-ons: black hair, mechanical
Turn-offs: hard worker

Jager Brandt
Family - Become Education Minister
HOBBY - Science
8 Neat
5 Outgoing
7 Active
2 Serious
8 Nice
Turn-ons: make-up, cleaning
Turn-offs: fitness

Phoebe Brandt
Knowledge - Become Education Minister
HOBBY - Sports
3 Sloppy
7 Outgoing
10 Active
5 Playful
0 Grouchy
Turn-ons: athletic, hard worker
Turn-offs: logical

Mason Brandt
Fortune - Become a Prestidigitator
HOBBY - Gaming
10 Neat
8 Outgoing
3 Lazy
8 Playful
1 Grouchy
Turn-ons: red hair, make-up
Turn-offs: stink

Delaine Brandt
Fortune - Become Chief of Staff
HOBBY - Music & Dance
4 Sloppy
8 Outgoing
2 Lazy
3 Serious
9 Nice
Turn-ons: brown hair, jewelry
Turn-offs: logical


sims 2, the brandt legacy

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