Previously... Hudson slept with every female in town to fulfill his LTW. Cyd left the world of the living (sniffle), and then proceeded to
terrify his grandson. Did I mention that Hudson got married? He and his wife have 2 children, although one of them is only Hudson's due to a
technicality. Well, the marriage didn't last too long because Cyd killed her ass, and was
happy about it. =/
contains the usual... (70+ pics)
Liana tried to console the Aloe and Phoebe as much as she could after the sudden loss of their mother. However, Alisha wasn't going to stay dead for too long...
Hudson: Awwww, I really have to resurrect her?! But I was having so much fun being single!
Well, someone has to watch the kids when Liana is at work.
Incidentally, I had no idea you could resurrect people that died of old age... And pets!
Hudson: Yeah, I guess I'd like to bring my wife back to life... How long does all this stuff take? I have a dat... Er, meeting to attend downtown.
By the look on Liana's face, I highly doubt she approves of any of this.
Hudson: Holy crap, I actually did it! **plus plus**
Alisha: I'm back? I'M BACK!!! Muahahahahaahaaaaaaaaa!!
Liana: Fuck this, I'm going back downstairs.. *grumbles*
Hudson: Yep, just as beautiful as before she was dead. This will work out nicely.
Liana: Alright! Now time to find the grave of that asshole who killed me...
Of course one of the first things she does after returning to life is swoon over her former husband... Damned 3 bolters, on the plus side this should make the whole getting married again thing go a lot smoother.
I'll do my best.
We take a quick commercial break from our regularly scheduled program to check out a still very adorable Phoebe. *squee!*
Well that didn't take very long at all. ^_^
Aloe: I loveded you blue block! *hugs*
Aloe: But mr. crayon is delicious! *om nom nom*
Ah, someone is happy to be alive. Despite the PILE of garbage behind her.
*note* - she is a neat freak and a 0 nice point sim
Phoebe is a very smart little girl, she's learned almost all the basics. And now she's learning a nursery rhyme with grammy.
Hudson: Can you say Daddy?
Aloe: Daddy... is a womanizer.
Hudson: O_o very good.
The Many Moods of Aloe
Hudson, when will you learn!?
Hudson: It's okay, they can't take me in the day! =D =D
For now...
Sweet, good to know that being dead for a week won't stop those promotions, but it will end your marriage.
Thank goodness for another generation of non-needy toddlers.
At 3am Hudson decides to wake up on his own to drink nectar. I sense a budding alcohol problem...
So I bought him a bar. Hudson approves. ^_^
Phoebe does NOT like to be in her crib more than she has to. I'm pretty sure she can walk at this point, I don't know why she doesn't just climb out.
*sigh* This is why we have the toddler table. But apparently cat food is much more lucrative.
Congrats Meowth! Watching Alisha every time she takes a shower makes you the new house creeper.
Ok, so maybe she couldn't walk yet... But now she can!
** Also, this was the point after their family crashed and I had to move them out/move them in. The house will look a little different because I had to redecorate everything.
Oh HAY Marius, you're still alive? And I see you've been hitting the leftovers a little too hard.
Marius: What do you mean I have to watch the kids while everyone is at work? There's a VERY important football game on right now!
Hey, you're the one who chose the slacker career. Your work schedule is perfect for watching the kids during the day.
Krull is still around, I've never seen a cat watch a fly in the game before.
Meowth: Ugh, this weak mini-human is messing up my fur. But it's cute so I'll tolerate it.
Meowth: too tight. *hack* Too Tight!
Aloe: Pretty kitty! *giggles*
I love Aloe, but I HATE the fact that this skin has no teeth. I cannot stand the orange gums...
Phoebe: Daddy, daddy! Play with me!
Hudson: I'll have to see if I can fit you into my schedule.
Another promotion! Although journalism isn't part of her LTW, I've yet to find the music career that she wants.
She also brings home this pedophile.
!! Another surprise pregnancy! This chick is the master of non-morning sickness.
She also still makes the best facial expressions.
Alisha: How did I get myself into this mess again?
Well, for starters tell Hudson to wrap it up.
Dylan! Nice to see you in your bathing suit? She was swimming though the soccer net... =/
The more you know, I had no idea that ghosts could swim.
Krull is not immune to the Aloe Grip. He takes turns snuggling both of the cats.
Awww, Krull grew up when I wasn't paying attention. I wish he/she (can't remember) would have kept it's blue eyes.
Did I mention that Krull and Meowth get along perfectly?
Almost done!
Who are you, and why are you in my house? Krull quickly pounced her and she took off, haha.
Actually, I'm pretty sure she's one of Hudson's past conquests. *shudders*
Hudson wanted to throw a party and it coincided perfectly with the toddlers aging up. Alisha takes this time to get to hate know her in-laws.
This picture is kinda dark, but this bartender is 342342.3 shades of attractive. He shall have to get to know the family better.
Time to blow of the candles!
Phoebe first, and cute overload! Also, I cannot WAIT until the Apartment EP comes out, helloooo ceilings!
Then Aloe, those damned gums! *note to self* - find new alien default.
Phoebe: Just so we're clear, mom loves me more than you.
Aloe: Holy crap, this cake is bigger than my head!
This cop was very good looking as well. We'll have to throw more parties.
That's better, this hair style suits her more. I can see Hudson's nose/eye shape, but most of her facial structure so far is all momma.
Every morning Alisha makes up every bed in the house, she gets very excited by it. Ah, neat sims.
Whoa, watch where that football is going Alisha. You're carrying precious cargo!
Alisha: Tell it to the asshole who launched it at me. Let's see how YOU like it... *YEUREAAGGH!*
Marius: Ooomph
Alisha: Oops, heh.. I don't know what came over me.
Marius: Vengeance will be mine...
I'm pretty sure the last time she had this card I picked aliens, so she pretty much rocks either way.
The children bring home some friends. Aloe brings home this little girl.
And Phoebe brings home her cousin, Kyle. He's the child of Hope and her husband.
Aloe: Mom, can I have a hug?
Alisha: Ugh, no thanks. I'm not your mother, and you're GREEN. I may have died, but I haven't
forgotten that night.
Eh, careful Alisha. Remember what happened
last time you
did this?
Alisha: Meh, it was merely a coincidence.
Alisha: Oh shit oh shit oh shit, you were right! I was wrong. GET IT OUT!!
It's a boy! Hudson's complexion, Dylan's eyes, Mom's hair color... Not sure what else yet. His name is Mason.
Aww, such a sweet family picture. Please ignore Alisha's arm being swallowed by Hudson's shirt.
And because I'm impatient, I aged him up to a toddler. ^_^
Aloe and Phoebe may have some competition...
thank you for reading everyone!