Oct 21, 2010 21:22
Well I think it's about time California has grown old to me, I'm going to start saving up again to move back home...maybe, debating between home and Seattle. Don't know why Seattle but it kinda calls to me a bit, I like the coast. Being near a large body of water makes me happy, at any time I can go to the coast and just...I don't know swim? I don't know how to describe how much the ocean calms me, every and any time I've thought something was to much to handle I've gone to the beach and I'm good...just removes everything from your life and your happy...kinda strange, it's like me and thunderstorms back home, I LOVE thunderstorms. I remember turning off all sound in the house and just opening up a book and just enjoying it. Blah, either way the appeal of cali has worn off and now I'm just constantly bored here. I don't know why but I just don't like the people that much out here either, constantly trying to fake a smile around you and pretending they are your friend. I even went so far once to explain to a girl at work that I was cool with just being titled "coworker" in her life and she didn't have to fake a smile every time I walked up to her. She was offended, not at the statement of us not being friends and I didn't have a problem with it, but that I was ok with NOT being her friend. She only wanted our friendship to be one sided, that kind of confused me. I thought it was a lone example, but a lot of people out here are like that. Use to it by now and it doesn't bother me but I guess I'm just use to people being more upfront about their emotions toward one another. It doesn't bother me if you don't consider me a friend, really it doesn't. I don't understand the need for these people to make everyone like them, but give nothing back. Maybe everyone is like this and I just never noticed /shrug. Well, to make a longer then necessary post..I will hopefully be back in the summer. Can't wait to see my friends and enjoy some sushi with them again...