good traits:kind,loving,caring,sweet,friendly,gentle,great at public speaking/writing "speeches"
bad traits:can come accross as vain,immature,to sensitive,way too polite,outspoken,stubborn
desired political party:Fedralist i'm a conservitive person :),Republican!
dream state:South Carolina or Virginia
talents:Public Speaking,Debating,I'm good with people,I used to do music and acting back in middle school, but not really any more. mostly public speaking and my speeches! :)
desired era.: 1770s ;) but this is a modern day theme lol!!! :P
were do you stand on?
Independence from England?Yes,first I would be trying to have peace with England but then see that we must seperate
West-Ward Expansion:no it led to trouble (civil war)
slavery? personally i'm against it but i can't blame the people for it because they weren't brought up in the same mid set as me, they didn't know diffent if a child was always dis obedience and never taught what was right would he randomly say "oh i'm doing wrong"
do you have strong convictions or are you easly swayed? strong convictions!!! ;)
would you filibuster: hahaha!!! maybe ;) heeheheee!!!! oh yes of course!
were do you stand on prayer in schools?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think I could say it any stronger
Socialism or Capitolism: Capitolism
religion?: uhh not a religion a relationship with Jesus!! :) Christian
are you from the:Mid-Alantic :P lol!!!
who are some people you admire? Abigail Adams,Edward Rutledge,John Hancock,my old piano teacher,my old english teacher
How People Describe You:kind,loving,a wonderful friend
,well my English teacher said "Voice of Truth" (title of a catchy song) but I like that :),great at writting speeches,> always speaking up for those who can't
Dislikes:hypocrasy,dishounesty,people who call people "ignorant" just because they don't agree with them> disagreements are fine they are important not everyone has the same beliefs it doesn't make them dumb it makes them different then you.
Likes:friends,public speaking,youth group, speaking up for people>>yes I <3 politics lol!!!!
The worst insult someone called you:vain,selfish
Hair Color:blond/brown/redish
Eye Color:greenish/blueish/greyish
Music:BarlowGirl,Casting Crowns (rock type)
Movie:Princess Diaries,1776,NARNIA!!!!,Amazing Grace,Little Women--although I really don't like the secound half to sad!!! :(Pride and Prejudice,Enchanted
What are you scared of?:noises in the dark!!!! a boy once scerd me and my friend in the dark audotorium :(
Brave or Timid:brave
Radical or prefers to listen to all sides:listen to all sides
Favorite quote?: I have way to much favorites! i'll put only a couple down
“Then you well know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”-John 8:32
"I always consedered an idle life as a real evil but a life of such hurry such constent hurry leaves us scarcly a moment for reflection or for the discharge of any other then the most immediate and pressing concerns"
~ edward rutledge
"how can we be silent when a fire burns inside us??"-BarlowGirl
Shy or Outgoing?:outgoing
Loveable or Disliked?:lovable
term limits?: No
life goals?: I want to go into politics when I grow up and help America! :)