Hey guys!
I'm so excited because of DTTS! The newest site on DFN is a Taylor Swift fansite and I'm the site manager there, woot! It's called "Devoted to Taylor Swift", DTTS for short! It's a fansite as well as forum. I'm posting this in my journal in the hopes that someone will read, take pity on me, and come. ahahaha, because seriously, I really want/need/would love it if people were to register and start posting. We really don't have a lot of Taylor fans posting there and it would mean the world to me to get some! I update my fansite just about everyday<3
In order to post at the forum, you'll need to register, which is easy, just
register here to
start posting! I really hope to see you guys posting around the forum because we really need people there, i'm a bit worried because there aren't many Taylor fans there and I want to make it successful!
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