Jan 25, 2004 09:45
1) What is your name? *Amanda *
(2) Are you happy with it? no..it's gay
(3) Are you named after anyone? Nope
(4)Your screenname: uhm u can't have it..i don't like stalkers
(5) Would you name a child of yours after you? nope
(6) Then what would you name your children? girls: Trista, Chloe, Nataleigh...Boys: Trevor..Caiden..and no im not having that many..just2
(7) If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? my mom said she wanted a boy, and my name would be Zach
(8) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be? Sharlee
(9) Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? no butt they say A-MAN-DUH..gay fockers
(10) Would you drop your last name if you became famous? no..i like my last name
(11) Your gender: BITCH
(12)Are you tired now: yea..kinda
(13) Single? no...<3
(14) Want to be? HELL NO!
(15) Your birthdate: DecembeR 20th
(16) Your age: 17
(17) Age you act: 6 and 20
(18) Age you wish you were: 18 be outta school
(19) Your height: 5' 7 - 5'8
(20) The colour of your eyes: ooo we did this in class! Blue-green*they change* with diff flecks in em like either darker blue or white and the circle around the color is always darker than the inside..ee
(21) Happy with it? uh huh..muh bebe loves muh eyes
(22) Colour of your hair? Brown baby!
(23) Happy with it? yea ima sexxified brunette
(24) Left/right: RightY
(25) Your living arrangement? Mom..and dog
(26) Your family: Mom, Dad, Step-mom, 2 step bros and 1 half sis...
(27) Have any pets: yea..my black lab maverick..and at my dads our little jack russel..PEANUT!
(28) What's your job: Hostess atta restraunt..
(29) Piercings? 2 in each ear..want like belly button and sumthing else too..i donno wat tho
(30) Tattoos? none butt i want one
(31) Obsessions? haha uhm i dunno..taking pix i like doing that
(32) Addictions? spending money wen i have it
(33) Do you collect anything? i collect like weird things like pictures outta magazines not of ppl butt things i dunno
(34) Do you speak another language? no
(35) Have a favourite quote? "dont judge me for what you see, judge me for who i really am"
(36) Do you have a webpage? i did
(37) Do you live in the moment? yea, and im lovin it
(38) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? uh huh until they piss me off
(39) Do you have any secrets? YES..butt brett knows em all
(40) Do you hate yourself? no, the things i say or do i hate
(41) Do you like your handwriting? yea lotts of stars and heart exclamation marks
(42) Do you have any bad habits? yep
(43) What is the compliment you get most from people? Beautiful eyes or Pretty hair
(44) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? hmm i have no clue
(45) What's your biggest fear? being lonely...the dark...spiders..lots of things
(46) Can you sing? well i was in chorus a long time butt i quit in after 9th grade..
(47) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? hell no im cool ppl try to be me
(48) Are you a loner? mm no
(49) What is your no. 1 priority in life? <3
(50) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? yea
(51) Are you a daredevil? hmm wats the dare?
(52) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? yea
(53) Are you passive or aggressive? both..mebe
(54) Have you got a journal? well G
(55) What is your greatest strength and weakness? Strength: <3'n muh bebe Weakness: bretts kisses...
(56) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? bigger boobs lol justa tad bit bigger..
(57) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity: uhm..okees..
(58) Do you believe in God: yea
(59) Do you think you are emotionally strong? hm..sumtimes
(60) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? wish i was better in school
(61) Do you think life has been good so far? it's been good since i found brett 4 yrs ago..it's been GREAT since 42303 =)
(62) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? not to be a bitch i guess i dunno
(63) What do you like the most about your body? eyes, legs, and tummy
(64) Do you think you are good looking? i think im pretty at times
(65) Are you confident? yea
(66) What is the fictional character you're most like? minni..hehe
(67) Do people know how you feel? sumtimes
(68) Are you perceived wrongly? uhh
DO YOU. . .
(69) Smoke? no..stinky breath is gross
(70) Do drugs? no..why would i wanna spend $ on that shit
(71) Read the newspaper? yea, only the things that catch my eye tho
(72) Pray? yep
(73) Go to church? wen i go to my daddys
(74) Talk to strangers who IM you? uhm, not really i just ask who they are..
(75) Sleep with stuffed animals? i hava carebear from my 1st christmas....butt sumtimes i don't sleep with him.i hava body pillow
(76) Take walks in the rain? brett member playin in the rain.. =) i love you
(77) Talk to people even though you hate them? yep
(78) Drive? yea
(79) Like to drive fast? of course
(80) Liked your voice? i sumtimes do
(81) Hurt yourself? lol yea i've fallin so much
(82) Been out of the country? no
(83) Eaten something that made other people sick? uh huh
(84) Had a nightmare: yea
(85) Been unfaithful? never have and never will
(86) Been in love? Yes, i am now =)
(87) Done drugs? nah
(88) Gone crazy? oh yea..
(89) Had a medical emergency? wen i was little, my temp. was so high i had to go to the hospital, and they stripped my clothes off and bathed me lol
(90) Had a surgery? no
(91) Ran away from home? yep, butt i got hungry and hour later....
(92) Played checkers? uh yea..
(93) Gotten beaten up? not beat up, but hit
(94) Beaten someone up? yep, in like 5th grade, this boy pissed me off so i knocked the shit out of him
(95) Been picked on? Yep
(96) Been on stage? yea, i love me sum drama class
(97) Been to the beach? of course
(98) Slept outdoors? uh huh
(99) Thought about life? yea sumtimes
(100) Pulled an all-nighter? yeap
(101) If yes, what is your record? like 4 days, wen i went campin with my mom, and my Xstep dad and my old best friend
(102) Talked on the phone all night? o yea..bebe =)
(103) Though about death? yea
(104) Slept all day? yess....
(105) Kissed someone? yea my babe
(106) Thought you're going crazy? i knew i was going crazy
(107) Been betrayed? yea
(108) Had a dream that came true? yea
(109) Broken the law? ....yea...
(110) Met a famous person? no, butt ive seen the ruff ryders on their bikes..haha
(111) Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? i don't think i have
(112) Stolen anything? yea...
(113) Been on radio/tv? radio and tv
(114) Been in a mosh-pit? nah
(115) Had a nervous breakdown? oh yes i just did like a few weeks ago
(116) Bungee jumped? nope
(117) Had a dream that kept coming back? uh huh
CLOTHES and other fashion junk
(118) Shoe brand? rainbows, and sum other shoes
(119) Brand of clothing? hmm i dunno i have lots of diff brands
(120) Cologne/perfume? Pink by Victoria Secret and Ralph..depends on the mood im in..i have lots of perfume
(121) What are you normally wearing to school/work? i dunno diff things
(122) Wear hats? i have this on hat i wear butt its not a ball cap hat..
(123) Judge other people by their clothing? nah, i don't judge ppl by their clothes sum ppl cant afford things
(124) Wear make-up? mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss and powder muh cheeks...freckles are in rite now..so i let my little bit i have show.. hehe
(125) Favourite place to shop? i dunno watever has cool things
(126) Favourite article of clothing? hmm i like sum pants that i wear, and these undies that brett gave me ...my fav bebe =)
(127) Are you trendy? yea wen i wanna be haha, i do my own thing
(128) Would you rather wear a uniform to school? shure i used to in elem. school
(129) Believe in life on other planets? i dunno that's scary
(130) Miracles? yea
(131) Astrology? i guess
(132) Magic? nah
(133) God? yea
(134) Satan? he can stay in hizell
(135) Ghosts? oo scaree!
(136) Luck? well i don't have much of it
(137) Love at first sight? hmm, muh bebe! wen i first saw him 4 yrs ago..i HAD to have him, and now i do!
(138) Yin and Yang (that good can't exist without the bad)? There would be no good if we didn’t know what was bad
(139) Witches? my english teacher reminds me of one..her shoes man...
(140) Easter bunny? i have a picture of me sittin on easter bunnies lap!!
(141) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? yea..and im gonna stay that way
(142) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? there isn't it's all in ireland haha
(143) Do you wish on stars? yea, wen me and brett lay on the beach we'll watch fer fallin stars and i'll wish on them =)
(144) Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? yea
(145) Do you think God has a gender? yea
(146) Where do you think we go when we die? Heaven, sit on a cloud..
(147) Who is your best friend? Courtney was, butt we both have changed, brett is now
(148) Who's the one person that knows most about you? now brett does
(149) What's the best advice that anyone has ever gave to you? be more confident, so i am now
(150) What’s your favourite inside joke? i dunno
(151) Thing you're picked on most about? haha used to be my ears, butt i love em, ppl in class say their cute so ha
(152) Who's your longest known friend? Carissa
(153) Newest? Galaxy
(154) Last person you talked to online? i dunno
(155) Who do you talk to most online? brett, my cousin nicole, cindy
(156) Who are you on the phone with most? lol deff brett
(157) Who do you trust most? brett, and destiny
(158) Who listens to your problems? brett, destiny, brittney..well shit alot of the girls that i like or trust in cosmetology class..
(159) Who do you fight most with? lol my little sister..she gets mad wen i don't play barbies with her
(160) Who's your second family? i dunno
(161) Do you always feel understood? nah
(162) Do you trust others easily? nooooo
(163) Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: my bebe
(164) Do your friends know you? yea, but not everything about me
(165) Friend that lives farthest away: Carissa, she moved..
(166) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? nope
(167) Do you remember your first love? yea, butt i don't ever think of it or really think it was love... muh bebe has swept me away =)
(168) Still love him/her? hell no, i never really loved any1 xcept brett, those were just lust
(169) Do you consider love a mistake? no
(170) What do you find romantic? little things..
(171) First kiss? the first kiss me and brett had..was amazing..
(172) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? leave me alone..i have a bf
(173) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"? hmm knowing, if it was blind i guess that'd be an adventure..
(174) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? yep, their all unnatractive to me now...
(175) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? i dunno..i guess lol brett ur gonna hide me
(176) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? they're bitches who are jealous
(177) What's the last present someone gave you? brett..a ring on new years =)
(178) Are you in love? YES<3
(179) Do you consider your significant other cute? he's oh SO fine!
(180) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? i don't look for "hotties" if i saw one i'd look past the person tho
(181) What is your fave possession? my ring that my dad gave me that my grandma told him to give me on my 16th bday she died wen i was like 5 and it was h ers that my grandpa gave her and the ring brett gave me on new years.. =)
(182) What physical, tangible possession do you want most? moneys and sum food rite now haha
(183) How badly do you want it? well money eh..food? RITE NOW!
(184) Have you ever seen The Exorcist? nah
(185) How long did it take for you to understand why the last question is in this section? i dunno, why is it?
(186) That haunted you? lol i dunno
(187) You wanted to kill? prob all the bitches that want my bf lol
(188) That you laughed at? hmm i dunno
(189) That laughed at you? my mom
(190) You went shopping with? my mom..where else would moneys come from
(191) That broke your heart? who CARES ! im in the present not the past
(192) To disappoint you? well no1 butt i disapointed sum1 =( sorries bebe
(193) To ask you out? no1's asked me out
(194) To make you cry? brett well not him butt the story behind it
(195) To brighten up your day? brett..
(196) That you thought about? hmm brett and my mom
(197) You saw a movie with? brett
(198) You talked to on the phone? mom, told her i was over here
(199) You talked to through IM/ICQ? i dunno
(200) You saw? *turns around* =) Bretty
(201) You lost? i don't know
(202) You thought was completely NUTS: meee
(203) You trusted? mom
(204) You turned down? i don't know
(205) Smiled? just a min ago looked at my bebe
(206) Laughed? i dunno
(207) Cried? last nite...like all week too..butt wow last nite..woo buddi
(208) Bought something? yesterday
(209) Danced? today haha
(210) Were sarcastic? yesterday afternoon
(211) Watched your fave movie? hmm i dunno.
(212) Had a nightmare? like a week ago..sum1 shot my mommi...
(213) Talked on the phone? last nite
(214) Listened to the radio? friday..in my car
(215) Watched TV? rite now
(216) Went out? haha..fri nite to get my whopper
(217) Helped someone? i dunno
(218) Were mean? yesterday
(219) Saw a movie? the other day i dont member it was during the week
(220) Said "I love you"? last nite ..bout to in a few..wake bebe up and say it hehe
(221) Missed someone? NOW..BEBE!
(222) Fought with a family member? hmm i dunno
(223) Fought with a friend? ...well with my bf..last nite
(224) Had a serious conversation? yesterday
A LAST TIME for everything...
(225) Last book you read: A Walk to Remember *sniffle sniffle*
(226) Last movie you saw: well i don't remember the new one i saw butt the last movie i sat down and watched..Legally Blonde..i have it wee!
(227) Last song you heard: Candi..by LiL Kim
(228) Last thing you had to drink: pink lemonade
(229) Last time you showered: YesterdaY
(230) Last thing you ate: blueberry muffin
(231) Last CD you bought: something corp.
(232) Last thing you bought: uh a whopper at burger king haha
(233) What are you wearing right now? uh, bretts shirt and sum sweatpants
(234) What are you worried about right now? hm, the prob last nite...
(235) What book are you reading? well, does my cosmetology book count, the hair color chapter is over 100 pages.. blah
(236) What's on your mousepad? Its plain black
(237) Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: bored, sleepy, loved, cuddly, and hmm..i dunno
(238) Are you bored? DuH
(239) Are you tired? uh huh
(240) Are you talking to anyone online? no
(241) Are you talking to anyone on the phone? nope
(242) Are you lonely or content? conetent..bretts..
(243) Are you listening to music? in my head
(244) Do you actually know your social security number? yea
(245) actually know your IP address? uh...
(246) Do you know what an IP address is? uh...
(247) Do you know the four-character extension on your zip-code? nope
(248) Have you ever thought there were too many numbers floating around in our lives? oh yes
(249) Does your head hurt when you think of infinity, imaginary
numbers, irrational numbers? yea..i don't know half of the sh*t
(250) What do you think of pi? pie sounds good rite now..sum pecan pie...haha
(251) Have you got a fave number? 23
(252) How many rings before you take the phone? depends, if i answer the fone...if i do like 2 cuz i hate the way it rings
(253) How many CD's do you have? i hadda lot butt ppl like to "borrow" i call taking....
(254) Do you have a druglord page? wats that
(255) Did you do this Survey all at once? kinda
(256) What will you do now that you are done? wake up bebe kiss him and tell him i love him =) i came over last nite