Jan 21, 2005 17:07
today wasnt bad, i mean other then the bio test and math which i didnt get by the way, i wasnt faking dumb this time. I really didnt get it. Went to the lib with kek in SH... good times there. haha
Eearbear and Kek are coming over soon for a team dinner.. the 3 of us that is. haha. We are all talking about going to the semi in Feb and getting dresses and such! So yea we are gonna have some carbs and other yummy food! :-D. also watch some chik flix!! haha
Meet tomorrow vs bapst at UMO at 2pm. So I hope people go. That wuld be great, then i think im goin to skyes, that should be fun.
I havnt had any major dramas for the longest time, which is fabulous. Drama isnt horrible, but its so easy to just get caught up in. Boys= drama. So true. Cuz even when ur single, if u have non single friends, and u dont get to see them much cuz of their boys, thats annoying to. err the world is too dramatic. I guess im just blabbing now, so thats it. comment or cell it up- Jess