Oct 01, 2005 19:56
My friends are going through some drama right now and they r not talkin to me! I warned them not to post it and now there in a lot of drama cuz they posted it neways!I love you guys to death but i just dont agree with wat u did, how would u like it if her situation was happening to one of us and someone did something like that, u would be pretty upset, But i just dont understand how u guys can be mad at me!I was kind of mad that u guys posted it, because in told u guys i could have been blamed for so much that i didnt do and could have caused so much crap for me when u know i dont need that shit. And now it upsets me evan more because u r mad at me when i really didnt do anythingg wrong, i just expressed how i feel and im not gonna change my friendships because u guys did something wrong and its gotten u into drama especially when u warned u, if ur not gonna take my advice whats the point of giving it to u anymore! Ive worked really hard at this freindship, i call u when we fight to resolve everything but this time im just not gonna do it! I didnt do anything wrong and i think its really time for u guys to be the bigger person and call me to resolve things, if u really care! I still love yah im just tired of always working at this by myself and not see'n any effort from anyone else!Please comment,or call if u want!ill be waiting! Everyone else all thought this upsets steph and azia, i love ya'll, I know they dont like the fact that im still friends with ya'll but im cool with everyone and i love all ya'll Melena i know where not the best friends but im here for u grrl! I love ya'll!Please comment back!