long day! Bitches need to keep their fuck'n mouth shut!

Aug 31, 2005 21:32

Wow, just got back from hanks hunk!Boy was that fun except i have no voice!well josh short won, it was cool!Well,im so happy cuz im going to homecoming with leon,hes such a cutie and i hope for everything to go well with that cuz i think hes a really nice guy and all! So, thats some good news in my life!Some bitch(alyssa!) is really pist'n me off though!ppl need to learn to keep their mouth shut because im not taking ppl's shit anymore!I sware to god if i hear this bitch talking her shit one more time i will fuck'n say something and end this shit because i wont be having this any longer! So, bitch shut ur mouth! I sware to god bitch say one more thing and see wat happens!And u need to fight ur battle this time not bethany or marlina, if u have the balls to talk shit then u need to have the balls to fight ur own battle!$#@&*!
Well, thats the end of that. Everyone better have voted for my kelsey!woot woot! lol Cant wait till saturday, going shopping for my dress!wooo! Cant wait to get my boogy on the dance floor, i need to get low!lol
Wow, it was so good to be with my stephy and azia! i miss them so much i wish we could all be togeather again! I love them so much, they're the bestest friends i could ask for! It just sucks that we have to be seperated like this!wow, i want to cry this is depressing! I miss u guys a whole bunch and hope can hang out more soon now that im off grounding!lol And azia i definitly need to go see the inside of that house grrl cuz its freak'n pretty and huge as hell!Its like three of my damb house!lol ive just been thinking about some many of the memories that the three of us have! And it makes my day cuz ive never had such crazy memories! Remember Soomoo wrestlers (sorry botu the spelling), me flying cuz of freak'n azia!wow that was a crazy night!
Well ive got to rap this up ill be talk'n to u all later! nighty night!xoxo!
Comment ya'll!Lots of Love in the house!
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