Mar 15, 2006 10:11
I hate how things change. I hate how one month you can be as happy as you have ever been...then 2 months later everything changes. I hate when friends leave, I hate when groups break up. I hate the fact of growing up and everything that goes with it. Friends leaving for college. How everything in your life changes at this time of life. Everyone I have become so close to has either left or will be leaving soon. I hate how now I have to be responsible. Then you see everything changing for the worst and it makes you wonder what tomarrow brings. When the curtains have closed and the show of "youth" is over...whats next. No matter what anyone says youth is the best part of everyones i suppose its all down hill from here. I hate not having something that you want so much. I hate knowing that youll never have it. I hate not having someone. I hate that feeling that you get right before you break into tears. I hate tears. I hate that hes better than I am. I hate having feelings so rough that the thought of tears even arise. I hate being selfish. I hate hating shit so much. I hate being looked down upon. I hate wishing I had never been born. I hate the fact that no matter how many chances i get in life I always manage to fuck up. I hate being down....but I hate being out the most.