Jan 08, 2003 19:34
hmmm....my day SUCKED!!! rahh!!! my wisdom teeth went and decided oooo we wanna grow in and make Megan MISERABLE...hrmm...and mama wouldnt come get me..i was PISSED...:(:( SADNESS!!but ne ways..
ive been soooo incredibly HAPPY lately...Josh makes me smile..and treats me TEN TIMES better than Chris EVER did...:):)...o and bout my last entry...3 days LOL...it was cuz...last time i went with SUMONE he always broke up with me in 3 days..LOL!!! ((coughcough NO NAMES))...LOL!!....but its great..i liek him ALOT...hes sooooo sweet..and he makes me laugh..AND he makes me smile like he used to:):) hehe...its soooooo great!!! hehe...im SUCH a dork...ive just been soo happy lately...and its great...havent been this happy in a WHILE!!!...hehehe!!! hes soooooo nice to me...and hes NEVER mean....welll he is when hes a SMART alec!! hehe!! :):) mmuuaahh!! im getting tired though!! so im gonna go lay down...