
Aug 27, 2004 00:50

Hey Kids,

Ok. So last like 4 hours ago or something haha. I went to Ruby's with my neighbor, Sebastian, and Richie. So yeah Richie is freakin late like always yeah so. I GOT FISH TACOS...and Richie got some fat burger..oh yeah Turkey and "FitFries" haha. Yeah and I was sitting there and this girl (wearing a green shirt, haha) was standing at the door with her friend and her parents i guess and she was like f -ing staring at me and like kinda couldnt stop so yeah. She walks over and sit down with her parents but after they order the parents move over to the other table. She like face directly at me, so its kinda wierd...but i keep lookin at her haha. And she was always looking at me..freaky (continued in a moment)
So we are all sitting there and finally this really hot girl gets up from behind Sebastian and im like moving my head for him to look over and when he finally gets its hes like "woah..holy!...bless this beautiful day, just bless it" hahaha. After that this girl walks by outside Ruby's so Richie gets up and goes after her he doesnt go far because she was leaving...he comes back and then another one walks by. He follows her for sooo long and like when we are finally leaving he comes back all smiling and shit. haha.
OK continuing with the girl in the green shirt. So i think she's pretty (really pretty) and i say " why dont i give her my number" or someone says it. and we are all like yeah well they are..and i am kinda going for it but i dont wanna walk up there with her parents..also i was f-ing nervous. haha. So we are all sitting there and i write my name and my phone number on a napkin with a purple crayon (sooo hott, haha) and put it in my pocket. Just when we are leaving she walks out of the restaurant by herself and im long gone...haha...and Sebastian and Richie give her the napkin and they said something like this "My friend wanted us to give this to you" and i know Richie said "yeah he's a great guy" haha Richie you rule. They told me she said thanks and she smiled. Sweeet. So im all feelin awesome even though i didnt give to her myself haha..oh yeah and Sebastian was like "if shes 12 tell her my phone number" but she was older...not older than me i dont think. ok ok.. yeah and they tried to find her later to tell her my email address and stuff but they couldnt find her.
After the whole that ( ^^^^ ) incident, we walked around and talked about chicks haha. and we listened to music in Barnes and Noble and got gumballs filled with nerds. We wanted to see a movie but it was late and we might do it today.....Friday...we figure...Friday night....more yeah it might happen. And we talked about getting locked into this store with a bunch of beds and couches haha that would be awesome. While we were in Macy's, for no reason, it was closing and half of the lights turned off and said they would be closing soon and Sebastian look at me and is like " No dude, we cant" haha. So we get out and walk arounf some more and then finally we go outside where Richies mom was gonna pick us up. Richie calls Melissa and Britt and while im talking to them, Richie is humping a pole and saying "Brittnay oooohh Brittnay" hahahahahaha. Well she picked us up and we went home(s). heh.
OH yeah and Richie was calling the pay phone and some guy answered it and he didnt say anything! what the hell haha..then this guy was like being all crazy and weird.......

Man, i hope she calls me today...PLLLLEAAASEE CALL ME mysterious girl in the green shirt. call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me call me ppllleeease. She has gonna be bumped if she doesnt..she has to. I looked in the yearbook later and i might know who it is, but i decided it wasnt her because she look much younger than the person in the yearbook. Ah, i should have asked her for her name and number...argh. haha she better call. heh. That would be awesome. Yeah, We Are Awesome!

With Awesomeness,
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