Forgive and forget....

Sep 10, 2005 01:06

First point of business is to make a quick clarification.
Gypsy is a term reserved for someone of Romani Gypsy origin otherwise known as a Szgany.
Pyki, New Age Traveller or just Traveler are acceptable terms for all other travelling folk.

That stated, I got hit in the jaw by a Pyki a few days ago ^_^
I was in breach of that terrible crime of not lying down and inviteing him to walk all over me.
There is a growing trend of trying to justify random violence amongst young people today (for young people see anyone younger than me ^_^) This trend is characterised by the person trying to provoke or startle you and then if you retailiate in any way they jump straight to fighting.
The worse scenario was a friend who actually had one of them bump into him, proclaim a muttered "Whadja say!" and then start swinging. The fact that my friend hadn't said anything did not matter to this fellow as he was busy looking tough infront of his 7 other mates.

My incident on the other hand involved just me, the fellow in question and one other mate...
We were both walking down the street towards one another and when I got parallel he decided to turn to me and scream as loud and aggressive as his little lungs would let him. mildly pissed off and not wanting to just let this slide again (this is a regular occurance for me in Crawley), I turned around to see him already walking away and threw the flight size bottle of schnapps at his back, before asking in a raised tone "What the FUCK was that for?" I continued with this line of questioning, occasionally changing the expletetive while he muttered incoherently and searched the ground for what I had thrown.
After I deceifered what he was asking me while still looking at the ground I answered "A bottle?" and after looking over to his mate for a second he swung a right hook to my jaw and then gestured and schlured out an order to go away now?

I don't Know about you, but I find it just plain rude to instruct someone to leave after you have randomly accosted and then assaulted them, so I choose to consider this fellow as somewhat disreputable and said "No, coz I don't trust you aren't gonna attack me again!" This said, he turned to walk off, unfortunately in the direction of the police station which was the same way I was headin by that point so I ended up walking behind him. He noted this and told me to turn around which i refused to do explaining I was heading this way now, so he let me walk past him and then I went ahead and listened for the sound of him running up behind me.

As it happens, he seemed to have had enough excitement for one evening having not found an easy mark to intimidate so he had no further interest in me (I think my almost total lack of reaction to his right-hook must have thrown him slightly ^_^ Yay for the Neanderthal style bone structure of the Hollister head, tis almost indestructable!)

The police station endd up closed so I walked back home this time crossing over into the pyki area to see if I could find these blokes and put rest to the whole thing (I have enough problems without makeing enemies randomly), but was unable to find them. I did however have a pleasant enough chat with another lad who was there and after wishing him a good evening, headed on my way home and started applying compresses to bring out as much swelling and bruising as possible, as well as rinsing my mouth with salt water to disinfect the pressure-laceration from where my cheek had been forced against my teeth. Much spitting of bloody water later, I headed to bed and the next day awoke with a slightly saw left hand jaw.

To my Horror! No-one noticed I'd been hit! It was terrible, i spent the whole day without a single bloody person noticing anything. Now it is true that I had no swelling and such minor discolouration that it could be disguised by blushing (lightly) but it horrified me because apparently the little shit wouldn't have had what was necessary to stop me if I'd been in a fighting frame of mind, and when you're first fighting trying to blind your enemy followed by head-butting them with a forehead that has broken tree branches and dented doors, its important to know that you aren't gonna be able to mutilate your agressors beyond recognition ^_^

In closeing I beseach all youths to seriously consider who they are aggreivating before they do something stupid and wind up pissing off a less pleasant and amiable psychoitic than myself.
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