The Ashleigh Legacy | Gen. 2 Heir Poll.

Sep 13, 2012 13:34

Dylan Ashleigh
Loves the Outdoors . Hydrophobic . Clumsy . Flirty . Diva
French . Hot Dogs . Aqua
LTW: Hit Movie Composer
In a very committed relationship with Bishop Bowyer

Brigid Ashleigh
Absent-Minded . Heavy Sleeper . Kleptomaniac . Genius . Perfectionist
Chinese . Tri-Tip . Red
LTW: World-Renowned Surgeon
Already married in her mind to Bobbie Kim

Étain Ashleigh
Couch Potato . Easily Impressed . Mean-Spirited . Artistic
Egyptian . Vegetarian Spaghetti . Lime
LTW: Master of the Arts
Currently forever alone (though she is nursing a hardcore yet very secret crush on Zane Sinclair)

Finn Ashleigh
Eccentric . Insane . Coward . Lucky
Soul . Spaghetti . Black
LTW: (none yet)
Casually dating Vickie Gomez because she's there and why not

Poll Ashleigh Legacy Gen. 2 Heir Poll

And the tumblr poll:

heir poll, sims: ashleigh

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