While searching for the perfect Slytherin shirt I discovered a fantastic site called Qwertee where people can submit T-shirt designs, and if the designs are decent they go for voting and the top voted shirts get a limited print run. It's a community of fans and geeks... so that means it has the best stuff because we're basically designing for our own. I've grabbed several fabulous shirts - Potter and otherwise - but I'm still waiting for a perfect Slytherin shirt. Gryffindor always gets all the attention. :(
Anyway, eventually I got either brave or bored and submitted a Snape related design which passed the quality test and is now sat in the system getting votes.
Someone suggested I put it up on Redbubble too for those too impatient to wait.
http://www.redbubble.com/people/sentstarr/works/8323571-sev-r-us So now I have a mild T-shirt designing addiction to go alongside my re-constructing t-shirts with a pair of scissors addiction. I think I'm going to have to buy an additional chest of drawers to put all the shirts in. :(
If anyone else is really into geeky/unusual shirts I suggest checking Qwertee out. If you're really into Potter then you might want to visit my Pinterest board. There's no way to search for shirts on Qwertee so I went and pinned all of the shirts - both printed and awaiting votes - on one board so people could browse and easily vote for their favourites. I've tried to include links where to get hold of the already printed shirts on there too so that no-one feels they've missed out.