Apr 02, 2006 21:07
I just got to the hotel after a long day of platform work. It was a great day and I did 2 really great haircuts. Tomorrrow I will do some editorial shapes,so Im really excited about that!!
However my roomate is driving me batty. She never shuts up..even as I write this she goes on and on with these crazy stupid stories that she never finishes or they are just to boring to even listen too. She has the most annoying laugh and she is way to loud and chews her food really loud and at night makes lots of noice when Im trying to sleep. LOL Ahhhh I might not make it home Im going to rip her head off and be in jail. But I mean that in the nicest way. Ok Im done Bitching
Star Gate is on so Im going to watch that and go to bed...oh this episode Tylk has hair, its weird!
I heart Davids face!!