(no subject)

Jan 17, 2004 00:25

Title: Her Dreams. Her Terms.

Background image: http://www.honey-movie.com/downloads/3_large.jpg

Background image placement: center or slightly to the right

Background color: whatever matches the background and font color please

Background scroll: Fixed

Main color: White
Track: whatever matches
Everything else i dont care about

Font: arial
Font Size: 8pt

Font color: 66CCFF

Cursor: wait

Link effect: vertical flip

Entry table color: whatever matches

Entry alignment: left of jessica alba
Entry boarder type:Dotted
Entry boarder size: 3

Boarder Color: whatever matches the border, your decsion

Comment links: (#)/live.your.dreams

Number of entrys per page: 20

EmailAddy: krd635@hotmail.com
Aim: krd635, dkbxox, or krd335


If im being too specific or whatever. Just do whatever you please keeping in my using my background and font!
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