snakes on a plane!

Aug 18, 2006 01:52

edit: added link for blanks on a blank movies so you'll know what the hell i'm talking about.

what else did you think an entry today would be about?! i bought tickets three weeks ago, and have been pushing it since i heard about the movie!

quick review: actually good - better than other stuff i've seen out there this summer. if you're willing to overlook disbelief for a bit, this is a good movie.

i saw it at the alamo drafthouse in austin, for those of you who know of the place. i went and saw 'the best of blank on a blank', a contest the drafthouse held for local filmmakers. basically, when you signed up, they generated two words to go in the blank and the movies had to be about them. got to view clip goodness - giraffes on a balloon, eagles on a chariot, racoons on a space shuttle, lions on a bus, rhinos on a bus, donkeys on a bus, hedgehogs on a hummer, ducks on a scooter, cows on a popemobile, sheep on a surfboard, and sloths on a tank were my favorite... i might be skipping a couple other of my favorites

blanks on a blank website
BoaB movies! - all the fun i experienced without the 6 dollar ticket!

13 dollars got you a ticket for blanks on a blank and snakes on a plane back to back.

they arranged for "samuel jackson badass ale"! from the chapelle show episode... i think it's independence ale (local austin beer?) with new wrappers from the bottling plant. also, if you got the popcorn (which i did), they put a little rubber snake in the bowl.

all swag

bottle 1

bottle 2

actual review: is this movie going to win an oscar any time soon? hell no. is this movie going to entertain you? absofreakinlutely! the way i see it, this is one of those great movies to go see in a group. if you like your theaters quiet, this movie is not for you - lots of gasping, audible grimaces, and groans from the audience.

the acting is so-so, with most of the characters being stereotypes. samuel jackson was probably the best actor in this movie, and even his role was a bit overboard. again, that is what makes this movie enjoyable. in the same way that the original star trek series or the original star wars movies were great because of their cheesiness, snakes on a plane has its own charm that bubbles up to the surface. the snake bites, even though expected, still made me start when they actually were delivered. one of them (you'll know which one) made me and everybody else wince. let's just say that i checked my car for snakes on the way home

as a group experience, this was the most fun i've had in a long time. the entire theater was clapping, yelling, and hollering through the movie. go and see this movie early, instead of waiting for when the theaters are mostly empty. go with a group of friends who like over-the-top movies, and you will have a winning combination. stay after the end for a decent music video.

cliffs: despite being the most hyped up movie since matrix reloaded, SoaP lives up to all expectations.
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