Lol, I just watched Hercules (the movie, not the series, series is made of fail) because I am awesome like that. I freakin' love that movie. Because I have this song on my iPod that reminds me of Hercules (it's not actually from the movie, it just sounds kinda like "I Won't Say I'm in Love").
I am pleased to say I still know most of the words to the songs *nods*
The muses are so awesome, they're like my favourite thing in the whole movie. Their songs shit all over Hercules' songs, like, every song he goes on about how he somehow needs to be strong and it's like, dude, you've got the strength of a god, you've pretty much got it down pat, PICK SOMETHING ELSE TO WORK ON! And how sparkly is Hera? She's shiny (random).
Anyway, next up is Anastasia because that is another awesome movie that I loved to death when I was five (we had Anastasia and Hercules on the same video (lol, videos! Has anyone actually watched a real video tape lately? The quality is horrendous!)). IMO Anastasia is like the greast animated movie EVER, and it's not even a Disney. It's just so pretty and awesome and the songs are the best and there's a dude seriously trying to kill the main character (like with actual, valid attempts), in a children's movie and it's just great!
Yeah. I'm really just trying to kill time between now and when the movie finishes dling some time in the next two ours.
I made my icons for
merlin_stills and
merlinlimstoday. The
merlin_stills one I am really proud of and the one for
merlinlims is possibly the creepiest thing I have ever made.
/end spam