Discussion of "Far Beyond the Stars" (cross-posted from DS9-a-Go-Go)

Apr 26, 2008 15:46

Skip this if you read it at DS9-a-Go-Go, but otherwise, chat about "Far Beyond the Stars"

Far Beyond the Stars

Wow. Great ep. Lots to say.

There are several aspects to this episode to discuss. First off, I want to talk about the era.

(What’s that? The plot? How we got back to Earth in the 50s? Oh, roll over and go back to sleep. The set-up just doesn’t matter here. Just accept the premise and let’s get on with it.)

Now, I’m not exactly old enough to personally remember the Golden Age of science fiction of the 50s… but I did cut my [science fiction] teeth on Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein and Niven and all the rest. I even subscribed to a few sf magazines… Amazing Stories and Asimov’s, I think. Reading those guys gave me a sense of being there at the beginning. Especially Asimov. He was one of the most prolific writers ever, and if you read much of his stuff, you learned about him, because he wrote very personal, autobiographical introductions and asides and between-story fillers about his early days as a writer.

So, seeing this era portrayed gave me the same squealy-joy of nostalgia-ecstasy that “Trials and Tribble-ations” did. And they got it all so right. All the details, right down to those trashy illustrations.

Then, of course, it was fun to see all our characters in different forms, especially those who are usually stuck behind make-up.

Now, the other part of the story: the discrimination/race relations/early civil rights awareness. Some people feel this was heavy-handed and preachy. Well. I guess it was, but I didn’t mind that. Stuff just like that did happen, and you know what? it was pretty heavy-handed, too. They showed the range from “hey, it’s not my fault, that’s just the way things are, whaddaya gonna do?” to the cops getting off on kicking and shooting blacks.

I’ve read reviews where people have expressed the opinion that those cops were over-the-top, cardboard villains. I got news for you - there were too many people who acted just like that, and although they may have their internal stories which explain why they’re not evil (whoa - echoes of Dukat here), I’m not particularly interested in hearing them. And I thought they made this a very specific, personal story - about one man, a writer, who just wants to have his stories published, not a crusader for civil rights.

I thought it was pretty remarkable that a Star Trek series chose to look at this particular issue. Of course, we have a black captain, but since race supposedly doesn’t matter in the 24th century, they (TPTB) didn’t have to address this issue.

Then, there’s the whole meta aspect to it - Sisko’s fantasy 1950s writer is writing Deep Space Nine stories and channeling Sisko and the gang. Who’s the fantasy and who’s the reality? Sure, sure - this is so toker-talk, stoner philosophy cliché - but, dude? That stuff becomes a cliché because those conversations happen over and over again. It’s, like, so deep, man. Whoa. Did I say, “deep?” As in - inhale - Deep Space Nine?? Far out. Pass the chips.

I thought everyone did a fine acting job. Avery Brooks didn’t bother me as much here with over-acting. Oh, OK, so he did, at the end there, when he was foaming at the mouth and Kirking it up. But still, there was so much to enjoy that I rode it out.

How’d you like it?

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