First : I have to apologize for my bad english. I'm from germany and several years passed by since my english-teacher gave me my last lessons ;-) Now to my topic: I'm so grateful for your sharing those storys! I thank you very much! I really enjoyed reading them (the most of them more than one time with some help of dictionary and google X-()
You really managed to touch me deeply with your beautyful writing-style. You catch the characters quite well, as many people told you before. You are one of the few artists in this fandom who was able to draw my attention from the very first line until the end of each story. The telling (? is that the right word ???)is straight, I feel the love you put in every story, the sympathy for the characters and your interpretation of them (both) is mostly the same as mine.
I like it when Julian and Garak match up as equals. And in your storys i can sense the strengh and willpower of both of them which made those boys so preacious to me.
Only one thing is realy disturbing me: tomorrow i have to go to work and there is no way of getting those pictures you sat in my minde out of my head... There is this odd grin on my face .. people will think i'm gone mad ( finally)*sidgh*
very well, im obviously one of the late ones. i actually watch DS9 the first time and I'm very happy that your storys are available after this long time.
So at least: thankful, happy greeting from germany ;-)
Re: Thank you!prelocandkanarAugust 27 2012, 15:31:34 UTC
Thank you so much! It's such great fun to get comments still, especially such wonderful comments as yours.
I'm so glad that you enjoyed these fics. I was late coming to DS9, too, but I absolutely fell in love with the series and found Bashir and Garak to be endlessly intriguing.
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! It just made my day!
Now to my topic:
I'm so grateful for your sharing those storys! I thank you very much! I really enjoyed reading them (the most of them more than one time with some help of dictionary and google X-()
You really managed to touch me deeply with your beautyful writing-style. You catch the characters quite well, as many people told you before.
You are one of the few artists in this fandom who was able to draw my attention from the very first line until the end of each story. The telling (? is that the right word ???)is straight, I feel the love you put in every story, the sympathy for the characters and your interpretation of them (both) is mostly the same as mine.
I like it when Julian and Garak match up as equals. And in your storys i can sense the strengh and willpower of both of them which made those boys so preacious to me.
Only one thing is realy disturbing me: tomorrow i have to go to work and there is no way of getting those pictures you sat in my minde out of my head... There is this odd grin on my face .. people will think i'm gone mad ( finally)*sidgh*
very well, im obviously one of the late ones. i actually watch DS9 the first time and I'm very happy that your storys are available after this long time.
So at least: thankful, happy greeting from germany ;-)
I'm so glad that you enjoyed these fics. I was late coming to DS9, too, but I absolutely fell in love with the series and found Bashir and Garak to be endlessly intriguing.
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! It just made my day!
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