Fic updates and ramblings for a Sunday

Sep 19, 2010 14:57

So, I have finally rid myself of the Danny/Abby plot bunny that has been running rampant in my head and preventing me from writing anything else!!  If anyone here is  interested (and I have my doubts, het pairings don't seem to go down well unless it's Connor/Abby but you never know) the story is posted on my account.  I know from the stats on there that the fic is being read (its actually had more hits than "All in the mind" on there) but not many are leaving comments.  Maybe its just a load of crap and people are being polite and not saying so.

Stuck in the Cretaceous

Its T rated (15 or R rated, depending where in the world you are)  I thought it would be interesting to see what happened if Connor hadn't been injured when they went after Helen Cutter ... I believe he would have been the one to go after her, leaving Danny and Abby trapped in the Cretaceous.  The story explores Abby and Danny's relationship, how they grow increasingly closer and find comfort in each other whilst both struggling with regrets in their relationships in the "real world".  Its assumed that Abby will fall into Connor's arms once they finally return home

The "missing reels" are definitely MA rated and can be read as fics on their own ;)

Missing Reel 1

(slots into the end of chapter 3 of the main fic, and is Danny/Abby)

Missing Reel 2

(slots at the end of the story, and is a flashback of sorts for something mentioned in the epilogue .. and its Connor/Abby)

I think I may finally have something in mind for my ficathon entry!  I found a half written fic on  my laptop which could be adapted a little to fit one of the prompts.  It's started as a "series 4" fic, but I can change mentions of Matt to Sarah and it'll still work as a series 3 - I think!  Now I just wish I could get back into the right frame of mind for finishing "All in the mind" ... maybe after I've done my ficathon fic, which will be angsty, and finished beta-ing the fic I've been sent, which is very angsty, I can get back into it!

Anyone see "Merlin" last night?  Wow! That fight sequence was pretty spectacular wasn't it? Almost of movie proportions.  The BBC seem to put quite a bit of money into their Sci-Fi/Fantasy these days, and I can't help wondering what would have happened if Primeval was a BBC owned show? (although doesn't is air on BBC America? I find that very bizarre considering it airs on the commercial stations here)  The BBC puts out some pretty good high quality stuff ... Dr Who, Merlin, Sherlock, Spooks...  ITV seems obsessed with reality "talent" shows rather than putting money into decent on-going drama.  The other channels churn out American imports, which are OK but I don't think we  get the best, just the popular (if that makes sense)  I do like "True Blood" and "The Vampire Diaries" but "Lost" just lost me, "Heroes" too, and "Flash Forward" was really good until it took a long break mid-season and I couldn't be bothered picking it up again.  I don't have satelite or cable, so I'm missing out on stuff being shown on Sky and SyFy, I've only caught the odd episode when I've been visiting .. "Lie to me" looks like a pretty decent series? as does "Eureka" (which for some reason is renamed "A town called Eureka" over here.  I have series 1 on DVD and am part way through)

I should be getting on with the domestic stuff like cleaning, but I really can't be bothered!  hahaha

random, ramblings

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