A moral dilemma (for fic purposes)

Oct 21, 2013 07:49

Currently working on a fic that I'm not sure of the ultimate outcome, so would welcome some thoughts.  I don't think there's a "right or wrong" but I would be interested in general musings on the situation

We have a couple, soul mates if you like.  They've been to hell and back together, come out of it stronger than ever.  Finally things have calmed and they're able to start planning their future together, wedding, etc.   Then he disappears (through an anomaly) and she is thrown into turmoil.  She waits for him, of course she does, but after two years she starts to listen to concerned friends and colleagues and begins to try and move on with her life, accepting that the likelihood of him coming back is very slim.   She becomes good friends, close friends, with a colleague until they both suddenly realise its more than just a friendship...  they marry, have a child together.  She really has moved on... or has she?

It's not an easy relationship.  He sometimes feels that he is "second choice" and that he can never measure up to her previous love.  Cracks are beginning to develop,  but they can be dealt with.

Then, 9 years after he disappeared, first guy suddenly reappears.  He's under no illusions that he can just pick up where he left off and isn't surprised that she has found someone else, but it does shake him and he is upset no matter how much he thinks he's prepared for the scenario.

So the question is...  where does the relationship go?  She insists first love stays with them initially since he has nowhere else to go, and husband begins to resign himself to being dumped (I may even have him pack a bag)   But is first love still the same guy he was 9 years ago after being alone and seeing so much? Is loyalty to her husband and her daughter a stronger pull or does she drop everything for the man she was so in love with?  
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