Wake up, Punk. Check out the fog. Snuggle for a bit.
Dress Punk. Feed Oliver. Feed Punk. Feed Mama.
Cute Punk. Play school. Dress mama. Punk plays.
Gas. Bank. Target.
Miss Punk gets a library card.
Make lunch. Make easy donuts. Pink drinks all around.
Cute Punk.
Reading. Snuggling. Naps=gold.
Watch TV while Punk sleeps. Daddy gets home. Punk goes CUH-RAZY!
Daddy and Izze make dinner. Izze's dangerously licking saran wrap.
Love them. :) I'm so lucky.
Dinner in front of the TV. I don't feel well. So I waste brainpower.
Teeth are brushed. Massages are given (to The Punk). Books are read.
I'm out. Night.