My parents picked Izze and me up this morning to see Jordan. Izze was sleepy... She never got unsleepy and about half hour into the drive she throws up. We stop at Walmart to clean her up and change her. She falls asleep again for the rest of the trip. Then throws up in the parking lot of the jail. We visit Jordan. She throws up in the visiting room. Sleeps until she throws up half hour later. Clean her up again stop at another Walmart for pedialyte and a new shirt. Sleeps until we get to Kidscare. Jer meets us there. The doctor wants to run tests but the nurse blows her veins. They want her to drink and eat she won't. The nurse blows two more veins trying to start an IV. They tell Jer to get fries to get some salt in Izze. She won't touch them. Meanwhile falling in and out of sleep. They send us home to see if she'll eat something salty. We make rice in vegetable broth. Won't touch it. We are now at Primary Children's again.
I know I'm not overly sensitive... Something is wrong with my girl. I'm wondering if it's celiacs. I hate this.
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