Mar 11, 2015 12:44
Hello Everyone!
I've been a member of the community for some time now. My husband and I decided about a month or so ago that it was time to start trying for a baby. We are still figuring it out and having fun! I'm not sure what's really going on with me but I have an appt with my Gyno scheduled for next week to check in. I am just looking for others experiences. Google is giving me info that isn't really helping!
Here's the situation. My last period was 2/7. My husband and I engaged in unprotected sex 2/21, 2/23, 2/24 and 3/2. I used the Wandfo strips for ovulation but I think I started testing too late and missed when I actually ovulated. Oops! Anyways- on 3/2 just before bed I noticed some light pink spotting and thought it was weird. Over the next few days I had much of the same bleeding. Light- pink/red but that was really it. It got a bit heavier around the 7th but nothing really significant. I would still categorize it in the light flow. My period is/was expected on the 7th. And so here I am, 10 days after starting to spot, still bleeding. Its nothing major- not nearly as heavy or like my period. I'm actually not feeling any of the typical things that I feel during my period. I did put a call in yesterday re: the bleeding for 10 days but haven't heard back. I've taken 1 pregnancy test which after checking the date- was expired for 6 months. The test was negative.
I'm not sure what's going on- if I'm pregnant and this is normal? If I'm not and just bleeding differently because bodies change as you get older? If I need to call back to the dr and insist a sooner appt because this is a dangerous/concerning situation? I have no clue! Ahhh!!! Please delete if a post like this is not okay! I just don't know what to think!