It's been a while & TTC#2

Oct 02, 2014 11:36

It's been almost two years since I was an active member of this community.  It still feels like just yesterday that I had my daughter, but she'll be 2 in December.

I'm back here because after having a pregnancy 'scare' last month, my husband and I have decided to try for #2.  I had an IUD inserted at 10w PP, which I had removed in June.  After removal we used the fertility awareness method plus OPK's to prevent pregnancy.  The 'scare' happened because I thought I ovulated a day or two earlier than anticipated and we had sex at the beginning of my fertile window.  Post partum and after my daughter weaned, my cycles became like clockwork, but I still use an app to track my cycles.  They are on average 30-31 days - I don't really know what happened last month, I had strongly positive OPK's for 36 hours and according to what I found online, I could count ovulation happening 12 hours after the first positive. But I guess I didn't really ovulate until closer to the end of that time period, since AF arrived at exactly 31 days.  I spent that two week wait vascillating between hoping for a BFP, and hoping for a BFN.  I've had baby fever for 6 months, but there are a lot of external factors that have been putting it on hold.  Those two weeks helped put things in perspective and hence the conscious decision to start trying.

Anyways.  This time around, I don't want to become so obsessive about TTC.  It took us 7 cycles to conceive #1. I know that that isn't that long, but you know when you're in the midst of it, it feels like an eternity. I wasn't in touch with my cycles as well as I am now (or as regular for that matter), but I was charting BBT, monitoring CM, using OPK's, and in general pretty anxious when it came to the 2 week waits (and obsessively testing from 10DPO to getting AF).   I'm hoping it wont take as long the second time around, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

I guess I'm just curious what other's experiences were for conceiving #2. The only reference I have IRL is a coworker who conceived on the first try for both 1 and 2, which I know is not always the norm. 
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