Hi all. I'm 39w1d with my first baby and I'm very fed up of being pregnant now!
When I saw my Midwife last, she suggested lots of bouncing/rocking on my labour ball and walks to get things going.
Baby is head down and in a great position.
Anyway! I spent an hour or so bouncing on the ball yesterday afternoon, by 9pm I had a lot of menstrual-type cramps and what I think were contractions (not very painful or timeable but started in the right side of my back and wrapped around to the front of my stomach) but it all stopped at 11ish.
When it stopped, I did a bit of Googling and while lots of people say using the ball is good, ONE post said it can cause baby's head to come out of the pelvis and baby can change position altogether, which panicked me! Is this possible?? I'm a bit scared to keep using it now!
Also, is there a way to make contractions stronger or just make them keep going and not fade away when they do start?
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